The light white - an eMTB jump story

I’m down. How many boards have you got!?


A Trampa MTB, an Evo with pneumatics and a Tayto.

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So, the evo for @Lee_Wright , the trampa for me and as it´s anyway your all time loved favorite build, you can ride the tayto :ok_hand:


I will ride one of my bikes then :joy:


1km away with eating dust?:joy: Had a similar situation about two weeks ago, where I was on a Bajaboard and my mate(@klaus79856) was on his bike. It was going uphill.:wink:

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@Andy87 I really like what you’ve done with the deck. White looks good on a trampa.


Thx a lot! I like it too :sweat_smile::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Working on it…

PS…I couldn’t choose the thumb nail…:see_no_evil:


Are you gonna hoard those old focboxes? I’d be interested in taking them off your hands :slight_smile:

:sweat_smile: yeah, no, I need them for an other build. Sorry.

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I can’t even finish my first one XD


That’s a never ending story. With more boards it’s not getting better. I‘m waiting for parts now about half a year that i can mount parts back from one running board to two others and finally finish them.


This hit too close to home

I had some time to do a range test with my 12s7p vtc5a pack and I get 28km out of it if to drive some average 25km/h on road, gravel and grass. I discharge till 3.2V, so I might be able to get some 2-4km out of it if I one day need it to come home the last kilometer.
I did some cycles which I cut off at 3.4-3.6V and the pack was always perfect in balance. If I discharge under 3.2V I see the p groups start to drift. Not much to worry, but it’s definitely noticeable.
Picture from one of the after work rides

Some days ago I received a parcel from the outer space :sweat_smile: ok @moon sent me something… banana for scale

Because of it my board actually look like this

Maybe you noticed that I took of the etoxx bumber bar in the front and changed it to a bicycle light holder.
It’s a test fit for the lights I will need probably very soon as it starts to get dark very early.


Alright, so what was in the box?

Gears gears gears :relieved:

I‘m very happy to be one of the beta tester from @moon s all terrain gear drive.
It took me a while to get everything set up properly, but the findings have been implemented into the new gear drive design which is pretty good.
I bought an etoxx bull bar a while back but couldn’t really use it on the back as my motor mounts had a different length and angle.
Now it fit

And on the board

They not helical silent, but definitely way less loud than my chains.
In fact it’s good that there still is some sound.
I‘m driving much in the city or in parks and people just notice you early enough…
And have than time to take out there phone and make videos from me :relieved::joy:
That literally happens each ride :tipping_hand_man:

One last thing, the gearing is 9/44 or 1/4.89 and yes there is a difference between this and my old setup which was 8/42 or 1/5.25 but like always you can’t get everything in one.
The 42th sprockets have been very close to the ground on 8“ and o bend not only one chain link with it. The gear drive gives a really nice clearance now. Just love it!

Just some bash guards I need @moon :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Don’t want to ruin the beautiful black case too fast.


Damn, can’t wait to assemble mine


Small teaser for your Matrix2 trucks


Exactly! I think this every ride too. People notice at the perfect time. I want another set of gears on my matrix 2s now :star_struck:


Did a range test on the weekend.
Got about 4-5km more out of the same pack than with chains before.
As conditions never the same even if you ride the same route, I´ll do some more runs in future to confirm this number.

Also checked my metr logs and realized that my max bat amps drawn are about 15-20A higher than before.
Those just peaks usually while accelerating from nearly stand still, but non the less interesting.
could it be due to the gearing change from 1:5.25 to 1:4.89 ? :face_with_monocle:


Yes, higher ratio means more amps required for stop / start.