The Eskate Enterprise | Haggy Kahua & Bergmeisters | Dual 6374 190KV | 12s4p 20700B | Eboosted Enclosure

60:20 would be 45+ :grin:

Avio drive is 16:60, is it possible to change the gearing? @avX @haggyboard.timo

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16T pulleys + 200kv motorsā€¦ top speed should jump from about 33 to 37 MPH.


Really like this build. How stable were your front light mounts - did the beam bounce about? (Planning something similar)

Love the trek theme, I think I need some LCARs styling on my next frit attempt :slight_smile:

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Max Iā€™ve been able to get out of my Avio Drives has been 38mph with 220kv maytechs on 12s. Not sure how much faster I want to go on the Bergmeisters. Would be nice to graze 40 and see how they do


Ooo, I like that idea. :grin:

They arenā€™t badā€¦ the cheap brackets are soft enough that they absorb the worst of the vibration. I have yet to make anything permanent to replace them.

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Itā€™s definitely possible, but it seems like the majority tends towards a 1:4 ish gearing with the bergmeister wheels.

If thereā€™s sufficient interest, larger pinions for lower gear ratios is definitely an option, to accommodate the speed demons here :smiley:


I would love to have the option!


I see your order has already been delivered successful. :grinning:


did you get a chance to check the calculated kv through vesc tool on those motors? just curious for science! :0

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My FSESC 6.6 dual freaked out and I had a lot of stutteringā€¦ I ended up backing down from the latest firmware to trusty 3.58. The board is up and running but I havenā€™t finished much in the way of tuning. Iā€™ll check KV tomorrow if I get a chance.

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ā€¦top speed is around 31 MPH with these 200KV motors and 16T pulley, as opposed to 33 MPH with 190KV and 15T.

Something does not add up. :face_with_monocle:


lambda = 60 / (sqrt(3) * pi * kv * pole_num)

which means:
kv = 60/(lambda * sqrt(3) * pi * pole_num

I calculated the motors to be 164.0 & 164.4 KV. My Haggy 190 KV motors were calculated to be 182.8 and 183.0 KV.

This is a large enough discrepancy that Iā€™ll check with Maytech - perhaps I received 170KV motors.


Oh wow! That is a large discrepancy. You can just type KV in the console and divide by pole pairs (or numbers) to more easily check. Surprised that it was such a large discrepancy.

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Awesome, I couldnā€™t remember where that was. Yesā€¦ I even have 16T instead of 15T pulleys and lost speed. :weary:

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@agentdev you ever figure out what went wrong?

Oopsā€¦ delayed response. :joy:
Yes, the motors are simply the wrong KV. I get the same results with multiple VESCs. I ended up keeping them, as they will still go to use even if I replace them with 220kv 6374s when I switch to AVIO drive. In the meantime, they have at least been reliable!



2020 goals: shoot more video and ride often. Day one was a success! Here is the first video with the Eskate Enterprise in Rocky River Reservation; one of the Cleveland, Ohio metro parks.


Great video dude, nice board and editing! Im getting into youtube aswell will take some inspiration from this. :slight_smile:


Thank you! Iā€™ll look forward to your videos. :grin:

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