The Definitive Guide to Metr App / Metr Pro

I found some issues with background mode and records not starting. I will try to investigate it on the weekend!


can you go into detail about that? I’m curious. Is it phone or app related?

I found it.

The app was crashing in background because Android is now enforcing some new APIs when creating local notifications. The notifications have to be created in NotificationChannel and some mandatory flags must be set. Unfortunately I missed this change but fortunately it was a relatively easy fix.

I am surprised it is not crashing for you. Do you have notifications enabled?


I did first rides of the summer this week, and GPS data was not recorded. I have Metr Pro Unity in the board.

I noticed that prefer GPS was enabled, maybe because I had set up my Metr Pro CAN on my eFoil previously. I’ll disable and try again to see if GPS is now recorded with the esk8 Metr Pro Unity.

After switching back and forth between the units, now prefer GPS seems to be remembered as a “per module” type setting.

Any other pointers if phone GPS data doesn’t work? Location is allowed and VESC data is recorded ok.

I allowed every permission that was asked for, as per usual.
Normal app setup, nothing else.
I do have my notification window with all the stats as well.

In-App notifications are on but don’t work i just realized. At least I’m not getting any for the records starting or stopping.

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Unfortunately still no GPS data with the Metr Pro Unity. Battery optimization disabled + batt use unrestricted at Android settings, notifications enabled, etc. It used to work fine. My previous ride was during last fall.

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Do you have foreground notification when the app is minimized? (screenshots here–troubleshooting)

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Glad to hear this :slight_smile: since my vx2 died I’m stick without real time telemetry

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Yeah, I do. Foreground notification stays on after initial Metr startup, and I always have the app open on screen before a ride to make sure it connects. Is this location permission ok?

Yes it looks good. Ok, last thing to try, send me log file Settings → Show Logs from the day when you made recording,

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I confirm that it now works fine for me

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So there are options for PPM metrics in metr, are there any equivalents for the throttle input over UART like OSRR, vx4, vesc remote?

Issue: Metr drops two “DRV” errors (one for each motor) every time Stormcore auto shuts off.


  • Dual_Stormcore_60D_FW5.1
  • Metr Pro uart FW5.36
  • Flexibms on CAN

Please help! I’d prefer not to disregard DRV errors haha

Nothing to worry about. Happens on the Unity as well. (Both single MCU vescs)

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I figured it was not harmful but it’s annoying seeing it on all my logs and errors haha

There are no such options currently.

Do you use auto shutdown feature? Turning it off completely is an option.

Hey anyone, Im slowly going through and making small tweaks to my ubox settings via the metr app and I have a question or two:

First I noticed my gps speed is quite a bit higher than my recorded speed. I noticed that one of my wheel diameters on one of the connected ubox was set to .083 (default i think) and the other was set to .173 - assuming this is meters btw. I set the wrong second one to 173mm. Was that it or is the difference between speeds and distances just normal error accumulation?

Second i was reading around and saw a post suggesting to set the fault time from the default .5 seconds to .08 seconds, in the metr app it displays as 500 with no units

Can I assume this is 500 micro seconds and set it to 80? Am I looking at the correct setting or is it labeled something else? Is this really necessary or na?

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That is in milliseconds. Stock is 500ms, you’d want to change it to around 50ms - 80ms ish.

Should be, yes. 0.2 equals 200mm / 8".

You can also adjust some options in:

Settings - Motor. There you have pulley counts, motor poles and Wheel size. This helps to further increase speed accuracy (non gps)


Are Metr servers down? Getting bad gateway errors when viewing my logs

Yes, currently doing some updates, sorry!