When will we be able to flash FW via metr?
Can you use the apple watch only for displaying or also for changing modes?
Would be interesting to use the watch to quickly switch profiles.
When the cops pull up, like?
I was thinking it’d be handy if the records could display the name / note so it makes them easier to search through. I know you can favourite them into the top list, but names in the main list would be helpful.
Something is wrong with the merging records option.
As you can see, when I select 2 or more records, “merge” option is grayed out, when I click on it it gets active, once again click on it and it just deletes the last record. It doesn’t merge anything.
If I undo fast enough I get it back… I lost a few records this way not undoing fast enough.
What app version? Can you send logs?
Does someone know how to use the app on the Apple Watch because mine isn’t working?
Try this.
Anyone know how to keep the screen on? I have the “keep screen on” setting turned on but the screen does not keep on.
I think you found a bug. It is not working after app restart. I am fixing it. While you wait for it you can toggle it off and on again and it should work until you restart the app.
Cool, thanks man
I’m trying to view the FlexiBMS data on metr and I’m having some trouble.
Enabled the “Detect FlexiBMS”
FlexiBMS version 1.0 FW 0.19
Metr FW v5.48
CANBUS GND, CANL and CANH connected from Flexi to VESC 6.
I can see it in the expert tab
and can confirm over USB that it is correctly reading and writing settings
But nothing displays when I tap on the battery percentage
Is there something else I need to configure?
Seems to work on the Freesk8 app.
Edit 2:
Partially works! If I open just the metr app, the BMS info doesn’t display. If I force close everything then open the Freesk8 app and display the BMS info, then switch to the metr app it displays. Seems like metr is not activating the data stream initially?
If I force close and open again, I get this:
I will have a look at this, thanks!
I also had this issue. I posted about it a while ago. I solved it by downgrading it to 0.18 on the Flexi.
battery temp below absolute zero
Surprised the electrons are still flowing at that temp!
metr be doing some secret sorcery