The Definitive Guide to Metr App / Metr Pro

Please have a look at that picture. You need them from the same type.
We are using SMA for our external antennas, so the pin on the antenna part.


I think so, would you just want all of the recent ones? I could try and identify what specific rides it was but I deleted one or two of them since they were empty

I want just one and approximate time when it happened. I want log file, not record file.

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Alright I will try and get that to you.

My friends board ended our ride with a DRV error and a dead ESC half so that sucked. Haven’t looked at his log file

Hey! I was wondering if we could still modify our all-time data? It used to be on the main menu after clicking the green flashing connected button, but now, I can’t seem to find it anywhere.
Thanks :)!

No sir. They’re calculated since the latest update.


ah :frowning:
@rpasichnyk please make the lifetime ride distance editable again :slight_smile: ?

No. But if you really want to, you can edit one of your record summary (*.s) file in metr documents folder using plain text editor. This is JSON file. Modify distance value (in meters)


I’m not 100% sure why you’d want to edit the lifetime miles but this is a good workaround

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I was using another bluetooth module before the metr, so in the metr app, I added my initial total mileage to have my board’s data in one place to make it easier to follow.
Then, sometimes the auto record feature doesn’t work for me, so I also add the distance from my Davegax that record the ride.
But that’s a nice workaround and I’ll try to use that!


Yeah I tend to not trust it to start automatically, but most of the time it does. The auto pause-restart feature works great tho. Lately I just hit start recording manually when I start recording with Strava

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okay so ahaha

what MHF connecter should i get :joy:
the amount of options are endless it’s so confusing… all this because i put hotglue it the wrong place lol

Its an u.FL connector.
I guess it is compatible with IPEX MHF/MHF2, but I don’t really get the difference between these.

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@rpasichnyk @hexakopter

Hey guys, is there anyway to figure out the point interval a log was recorded looking at the log files? on .r I have start and end time, but I didn’t figure out what that represents, is that seconds from a arbitrary reference time that is “0” seconds?


Look at elapsed array. The values are in milliseconds. Start and end are unix time (milliseconds since epoch)


Thanks, will look into it, this is where my lack of programming skills and just putting things I find together bites me🙃


Just some nitpicks:

Metr pro firmware: 5.2.6
Metr pro app (android): 4.7.23
FlexiBMS firmware: 0.15

When first turning on the app I usually get “Unknown Error”, then from time to time I get “Signature(or was it Fingerprint) mismatch” and the app crashes.

Flexi is misbehaving a lot, usually works about fine, but from time to time mismatch becomes thousands of volts, error occurs (red exclamation circle near mismatch) and it comes back to normal after a few seconds. The CAN comms feel very sluggish between Metr and Flexi, at least the blinking button below the battery percentage is uneven, sometimes skipping for a few seconds. :man_shrugging:


I have also noticed some stability issues with CAN and FlexiBMS. My CAN bus is only about 35mm in length. And with the same Metr fw and app versions (5.2.6 + 4.7.23) but 0.16 FlexiBMS FW, all I get is this:

With 0.15 it seems to be ok


FlexiBMSlite 0.16 was not supported by Metr Pro v5.26, please update your Metr Pro through the app, I just pushed v5.27


Please don’t stone me if it was asked before… This picture was taken during charging, but the animation of the current “going in” isn’t showing, plus the total voltage and the amp is a 0… The cells themself are showing correct voltage. And can I change the color of the cells? They used to be green :slight_smile: