The Definitive Guide to Metr App / Metr Pro

This is super cool! You should be able to get duty cycle / PPM in DashWare. Do you have trouble making it work?

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Yeah i have not interacted with the logs heavily before a couple days ago. Out the gate dashware doesnt read the gopro metrics, (but who wants to use those anyways), but i figured it might make it easeir to sync your .csv file. I got as far as creating new data profile, marking header then mapping data required (time)to elapsed in .csv. and then added the metrics that i want. And added calculators/converters. Then i have to add/build gauges. But still cant get it to work.
Would you by chance have a data file profile? Im clearly missing something. Thank you for your help!

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No, I haven’t tried DashWare myself, but maybe @jaykup can chime in? :pray:


Yeah and thanks for the compliment.
From breaking 5 go pro mounts. Learning the nuances of editing. Modifying/Pushing the limits of the board. Fortunately i have you guys helping me out wvery step of the way!!!.

The fast footage. Its coming. …Or crash. Ha
I jest. Good content. Tough to come by. But when it comes. Beautiful ^$%@king overlays to accompany your metr metrics

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That would be awesome

I’ve played with Dashware a bit, made this:

Here are some longer versions that show how the throttle bars and all that work:

These are the data profiles/gauges/etc that go into the “Documents/Dashware” folder. (606.5 KB)

Eventually I’ll do a full write up, but for now this should be enough to get you started


Awesome. That certainly makes things easier. Works perfectly. Just what I was needing. Thank you!


Glad it’s working for ya. Keep in mind this was setup for a single motor build, so some of the gauges will need some modifications for the amps and temperature to support two motors. Also the max amps is a static set value, so set that to whatever your vesc phase max is. That will make the bars display the correct %



Thanks again for figuring it out

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Currently getting a battery built for my old board (with metr pro unity) and this time I wanna go all out and so I want a smart BMS as well - are the three mentioned here the only ones that will work, or are the steps under the LLT also for generic ones?

He wants to use a JBD Smart BMS



Well that is handy to know and hard to google :smiley:


Is there a way to change between light and dark mode for the metr app? Android system is in light mode, but the map is currently dark. Hard to see in sunlight.

That’s weird, should be light mode when system is light. If you open it in external browser (Share), is it also dark? Or light?

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In the browser it’s light.

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In the GIF for “metr pro firmware” there is a point called “added police mode” - I can’t find any info on that and my board is currently not operational - was that just a placeholder for something or is there actually a police mode I’m not aware of?

Or is that the “always revert to this profile after startup” thing?

Yes, this is “revert to this profile after startup”-kind of thing. Check here metr-guide | The Definitive Guide to Metr App in “Modes” section (search for “temporarily”)


Yeah okay thats what I want to setup once my board is back to running anyways (after a 2 year hiatus due to a police stop) I just couldn’t find any mention of police mode outside of that one gif so I had to make sure :smiley:

@xsynatic use that function extensively, if u need help, he is the guy

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Sometimes Metr Pro CAN logs a strange datapoint in the beginning of a log. This throws off the ride time calculation. Sometimes there is also GPS data in the weird datapoint, which is visible in the log as a starting position. This is usually old GPS data. I ride my e-stuff here and there so it looks like I started the ride on the last town I visited.

Here is an example where the first datapoint is strangely a correct start time, and then the subsequent datapoints are logged into the future. It’s not sunday Aug 06 yet.

Here is an example of an old GPS point in the beginning of the log.

The map dark mode issue still exists as well. Any ideas on that?