The Cursed Child

Hello everyone me name is Astrid, and I come from Norway.
But unfortunately here in Norway we have a lot more restrictions than most other countries. So, building a board that would be legal using off the shelf parts is very hard. But then I realized I could buy a legal E-Scooter (Esk8’s and E-scooters follow the exact same laws). So by thinking a bit too hard I came up with a pair of basic designs.

After this design was created I started looking at MTB’s and altered this design to fit more of that style of board

The next thing I did was finding out how to control the E-scooter via a wireless hand controller.
After opening up the scooter I found the connector that controls the throttle I then tasked me dad to help me make a transmitter for the ESC and receiver for the hand controller

(Hand controller)

(ESC controller/Throttle control)

These two in total took 2 months to solder and make sure they works.

(finished results)

(bottom showing the screen motherboard, and the “throttle” [the red things])

(Side showing the pin out of controlling accelerate and brake, and the power in [fun fact this things gets it’s power from the light power source {I’m using something else than the light system that comes with the E-scooter}])

(side of the hand controller, showing the motherboard, button and the throttle)

(this thing doesn’t have a battery inside it yet so it’s powered by a powebank in my pocket)

Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures and film me creating a board and cutting apart the E-scooter and fitting the two pieces together. But I do have a video of what it looks like from a bit too far away.

(there isn’t a video in the privew so I’m just adding a IMGUR link

And another sad thing is that the first time I had everything working I decided to do a test ride after 100m the board stops pushing forwards. But me dad did capture the moment 5 seconds before it died.

(Keep in mind this is the first time I ever rode this board.

So after inspecting the damage it turns out the ESC is dead and I haven’t checked out the throttle receiver yet, so now the board looks like this in the middle of my room.

(the board would tip over if I don’t hold it [It is very back heavy with the box on the back]

So until the new ESC arrives and I get to repairing the new throttle controller this will stay for a bit.

Time for a new project

(Thank you for reading!)


Awesome work! I started off my journey into esk8 on a scooter skate hybrid as well so I’m definitely following


Nice work, too bad about the laws, we are all headed that way I’m afraid. I’ll be too old to care before they do it here. If you visit California (or any state I bet) be sure to let one of us know, me personally, I’d be happy to take members from abroad on a ride, provide a loaner board etc.

As a group yanks can be a handful but individual we are pretty hospitable, or try to be .


If or when I ever go to the US I will make sure to make a trip over there

I’m going to Iceland as a birthday present! Too bad I can’t bring my sk8, we will be there in February anyway. So stoked!

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