Hello everyone!
I am back, and this time bearing the birth of a new project. Before anyone gives me crap for failing to finish my all-terrain build, hear me out. As much as the idea of flying through the hills, shredding up muddy trails and bombing it through forest trails excites me, I know that unfortunately I just won’t be able to dedicate the time and energy to it.
A couple of years ago after meeting up with some ESK8’rs in London, I got a taste of the Onewheel and ever since then, the thought of building one has been on my mind. In fact, I struggled to make the decision to either build an all terrain ESK8 or a Onewheel, and despite initially settling on the first, I’m now going back the other way.
Anyone who has looked into doing a DIY Onewheel themselves on a budget will know, there are quite a few builds out there and some solid resources but nowhere near the level of documentation and support available for ESK8.
Almost every build I have seen uses hub motors of some sorts. Whether it’s a transplanted Hypercore, the SuperFlux, Phub-188, modified hoverboard motor, etc. Personally, I have a prejudice against hub motors. Sure, they earn some credits with regards to reliability, compactness, etc. But what if something goes wrong? Replacing an entire hub motor is an expensive ordeal compared to picking up another Flipshit motor. There aren’t as many options for hub motors out there either, so if I wanted to make any changes or upgrades down the line it would be difficult. I’m a real whore for modularity and repairability and being able to customise and tune things to my hearts content makes me happy.
So, how about the sensible option, i.e. belt drive? Well, @lock already blew that one out of the water with his awesome build that can be found here. I could follow in his footsteps but where’s the fun in that?
I have briefly considered designing a gear-drive system but let’s be honest, that would get bloody expensive and complicated far too quickly.
So, I’m opting to go with (as this thread’s title suggests) a chain-driven Onewheel! Sounds pretty fucking cool if you ask me. I am practically creaming myself over the mental image of riding on a glorified chainsaw.
Firstly, I’ll set a few things straight. This thing is going to be done on the cheap (where possible) and for that reason, I am limiting myself to re-using the 48 Samsung 40T cells, MakerX DV6 Pro and Flipshit 6354’s I ripped out of poor Nagini. Otherwise I’ll end up taking out a small mortgage for all the shiny new parts I want to buy.
Also, now that I’ve graduated and am officially a mechanical engineer, I’m now qualified to over-engineer the shit out of this thing. Stay tuned if you want to see enough numbers, symbols, statistics, equations, diagrams and graphs to send you into cardiac arrest.
I’ve started roughing up some concepts in CAD. Be warned - these aren’t pretty, dimensionally accurate, or complete by any means. But for the sake of keeping a log of my progress, here you go: