The battery builders club

Oh boy.

There’s guys here offering you good advice. Especially regarding your safety. Solder, welding and lithium batteries should be treated with reasonable caution. Please do heed some of the advice that is being offered. Hope your eye is ok.


Yep all good

Know is should taken your advice

Teeny piece of solder lodged behind my eyelid
Got it out and all good

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Could anyone share a file, for a 3d printed cell spacer, the one you use to spot weld 20700 cells in 9p for a flux build battery?


No 3d printer required :ok_hand:


Beg your pardon? I need a spacer for nickel. Not for gluing.

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Just glue the cells together, then add nickel… where is the need for a printed cell holder?


Not a cell holder, a spacing for cell ends to spot weld to. We will use 30mm nickel, so no way to see the correct place for probe placement.


Would love a file.


spacer thing.STEP (75.2 KB)

yolo STL.STL (82.5 KB)


is 8 cells wide using nickel as series to wide? or can i get away with it?

You should know the answer to this by now. If it is parallel with the deck, yes that way too long. This is what the series wires are for. Can’t use nickel in series like the way I imagine you are thinking

Please make a diagram

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2 8p groups attached in series and those would attach with silicone wire to the next groups
just help me with space and etc
i have heard 6 in a row is max but this is a very stiff deck so maybe
also the are running with the width across

I definitely would not go 8 long in parallel with the deck. Use wires for the series connections instead

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will go copper braid as that frees up more space on top
just gotta find some in the uk of the right size

That works too as long as you don’t solder soak it

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yep will tin the edges but leave the middle to be moveable

Ohhh i see.

I just rub the nickel down onto the cell tops and it lightly embosses the nickel with the cell locations

That little jig would certainly be handy tho



just confirming this should be fine for 8p p42a
dont wanna order the wrong thing

I wouldn’t if I was you, you should stick to wire since it’s easier to control until you’ve had more practice


k thanks

just that wire means i think i got solder on top and therefore i more wires on top make balance leads harder to do

but if you suggest its hard to do copper then will stick to silicone wire and do 2 12awg wires across

With the 2x 12awg silicone you get a bit more forgiveness with the silicone sheathing, a ‘checkpoint’ once you get a single wire, and its much safer overall. You can get it to practice with but I would use silicone wire for this battery at least