The battery builders club

3.5mm bullets there has to be a cagillion laying about…

just swap one male and one female on each end making it impossible to halbj-up the polarity

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…but gives an ability to a complete f00l, to short the battery.

Plus, any open wire (male billet) of the battery is a bad practice - no matter whether it is positive or negative

Currently working on the sensorless build, but that’s a thing to get hands on. Anything custom is always cool

you’d have to really, really try and fuck up the connection holding together two male and then at the same time two female bullets…
and heat shrink, and bullet covers are a thing!!!

and NO MATTER how fool-proof you make it… they keep making better f00ls…


Guys 13s is dumb


okay, but that bms is definitely the coolest one I’ve ever seen lol

It’s an 80A smart BMS…shit is FANCY!

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You and the guy she tells you not to worry about


You gonna charge it at 40A?? haha holy cow. I didn’t know Daly was making smart BMS’s

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I love how he’s a verb now :joy:

They have to be too short to plug into each other.

As with “waterproofing”, I don’t think you can ever truly halbj-proof anything.
Just halbj-resistant…


:wink: :poop: :dash:

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This one isn’t mine, I’m sending it to @tomiboi for his new board, you gotta harass him about the charge rate lol

Tomi what charge connector do you want in this?

Mounted new charge port to be able to handle 8A (SP16 rated for 10A). Put my pelican box in the shower for 5 min of trying to get water in and none got in.

I say if you want to know if a solution is waterproof then shower it before electronics go in.

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Dang thats huuuuge

It’s like the size of 7 P42A cells, the thing barely fits in the deck

Do they make smaller bullets/similar connectors than 2mm?


I’ve been casually looking and it doesn’t look like it

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They make 1.5 bullets.


@BenjaminF i think you know what needs to be done.


holy fukk… the mother-load

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