The battery builders club

Do you think you’ll run out anytime soon? I might buy some (though in the probably distant future lol)

I think I have about 19m, that should last a while


Does anyone have p42a laying around with a bit of spare time for me?
I’m trying to calculate a 12s3p pack to see what box I need. Don’t have them in hand yet but I’d like to order the box so I have a safe spot for them as soon as I do.
Edit: calculated with the wrong setup

What layout are you trying to do?

Forgot to state that. Its top mounting for the mbs.

So either
layed flat on top of each other in 3 or 4 stacks
Upwards in 2 or 3 rows

If it has any importance, they’re @Skyart 3p packs

For a vertically orientated block you get this

rows cols length width
3 12 73.5 221.046
4 9 94.5 166.488
6 6 136.5 111.93
8 4.5 178.5 84.651
9 4 199.5 75.558
12 3 262.5 57.372

@ZachTetra since a 3row/12col is not the same dimensions as a 12row/3col, could you give me an idea of the difference?

it depends if the lines of 12 or the lines of 3 are straight

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How much space do you have?

@ZachTetra so if I were to go with something like this

I need to look at 6x6 dimensions plus a bit of extra for the bms?

That block is 126mm * 126mm * 70mm theoretically, is that what you want?

An im2050 or less(would love less)

Because you can fit a 12s4p P42A and a smart BMS in a Pelican R60

Got a pic of that?

Check my black bear thread, playing ow

This but not as wide (6 cells wide instead of 8)


That’s the case you accused me of making you buy? Do you have a pack built in that case?

Lol yes the one I accused you of making me buy :stuck_out_tongue:

I haven’t made the battery yet but it’s an easy one, I will be doing the zig zag U


I’m trying to figure out if 12s3p has any chance of fitting in a r40
Internals of
24.99 x 15.54 x 7.34 cm

first set is stagger pattern, second set is square pattern. Basically all of these will work

rows cols length width length width
3 12 73.5 221.046 63 252
4 9 94.5 166.488 84 189
6 6 136.5 111.93 126 126
9 4 199.5 75.558 189 84