The battery builders club

It will burn through. If I Need to make a weld like that I’ve been slipping a spare piece of fishpaper under the nickel, doing the weld and then removing it.

Put the series connections right on the cell terminals. That’ll let you weld them solid. Nickel to nickel with nothing under can be tricky for welding and a folded connection adds a lot of stress.

Do your 3 connections on the terminal. Then put another strip across all the cells to lock it in place and shunt the load to the side cells around the series connection

Ive been welding the pieces that fold over seperare on some metal, since then I’ve welded the P group then the 3 on the middle and the ends over the terminals

Though ive fucked up twice

Dont know if its fine to continue on these

What kind of welder? That usually is caused by not putting enough pressure and an air gap existing between the Tip and materials or the currents way too high


@iamasalmon @ZachTetra @JoeyZ5 like this? welds look like shit, I know =/

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Yeah, I messed up didn’t put enough pressure on the second one, though the first I slipped. Would it be fine to continue on those?

I would carefully remove, grind and redo personally

I think a power bank box like this would be perfect to reuse the batteries that comes out of our esk8. After 2.5 years of use my batteries sag a lot and maybe it’s time to use them elsewhere
The box is available for $10.


Where is your heat shrink? :joy: Please don’t tell me you plan on using electrical tape or @b264 will be on your ass.


basically, yes, but you’ll want a small connector between the two so you can get it into the enclosure (and off again later)

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ok I have a little jst connector to the barrel plug I can use. And then I won’t forget the heatshrink =/

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Oh wait for real? Do you have a link?


Yo thanks!

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Has anyone used this?

What’s the gauge on that wire? it looks thin enough to pop before the fuse :rofl:


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Got 100 VTC6 21700s. Any pack size recommendations for a single drive 6374 enclosure and deck haven’t been bought yet so just brainstorming what size I want to go with

10s3p or 12s3p probably? It really depends on space

start with these, always.
build the battery to the limits if your chosen deck and enclosure :+1:


yeah I know you’re totally correct, it is super thin gauge but it has to be this thin to solder to the barrel plug for charging. How do other people do it? What are other people using for charging ports?