What is your problem?
There are good mini options for 10s charge only. If you look for bestech or similar you can even custom your cut off voltage.
12s charge only I do not know anything smaller than the d140 or similar, but there are smaller versions which cut off only but do not balance. Probably the same good like a simple balance bms… with 80-100mA you anyway do not balance much out.
I have a question, this seems sketch to me - I want to send it but I wanted to check in with the more experienced guys and see what was good
So I have copper “tape” strips. It has adhesive on the bottom. Are these copper tape strips made for stuff like this? Can I get lazy and use copper tape strips to make my battery pack provided I provide the rigidity to make these things last?
Or should I stop being lazy and just bust out the soldering iron
I’m not sure it’s conductive on the bottom, and they can’t carry more than an amp before they get HOT, and they will probably rip anyways. You really should use a spot welder
You can solder the cells but it’s not good for them, make sure your iron is really hot and you rough up the surfaces first (Dremel or sand paper)
But it’s not for high current applications. I gotta say, don’t pronounce things as fact without doing at least a quick check. @ohitstarik adhesive copper tape/sheeet is not for this application.
The roll I tried for something from a long time ago was not… I had to fold it over to make something work… but cool they come in conductive versions too
No it’s fine, I should’ve looked. I just remember using copper tape like that that was used for shielding noise for guitars or something and it was just backed by like 3M tape…
I have some copper tape that I use to sometimes quite down FET electrical noise…blah…blah… I just checked mine… mine is not electrically conductive what-so-ever…