actually designed for carrying electrical current.
And if you need the real good shit and don’t want to buy a whole 25ft roll of 1/2", I have a big roll I’d be willing to sell chunks off of for basically the price of a flat-rate box.
I’m contemplating building a pack with Moilcel P42A cells, started to work up a BOM to assemble parts etc. and went to check on nickel amperage limits… holy faak …
at 45 amps each cell what are you guys using to assemble the P-packs?
Given that .3mm thick nickel is problematic with a K-weld… I realize I’ll have to build in a heavy buss bar-ish for the series packs but I can’t wrap my head around how thick (many) nickle strips I’m going to have to weld on for 45amps…
These are a guide only… i believe you can very safely add at least 50% onto those values without an issue.
Remember that most ratings are for that current over a 1m length of material. As our material length is a lot shorter than that, we can safely get a little more out of it.
Also, just because your cell is rated at 45a, doesn’t mean thats how much you are going to be pulling from it continuously.
Understood… mostly it’ll be a cruise mode fun board… but I do plan on stoplight to stoplight drag racing… pulling as many amps as she’ll take for 5-10-15 seconds…
Lets assume you have a 5p pack. Each cell is pushing 10a each.
The current only wants to get through to the next p group in a discharge situation, so depending on your series connection configuration, will determine how much current the p group strip sees.
In the configuration above, there are only 2 series connections. That means those 2 connections are trying to pass the whole 50a to the next group.
The p group strip only needs to deliver the current from the closest cells to the series strips. You can see that the strip either side of the center cell is doing less work, as it can deliver half its current to each side.