Better safe than sorry. Especially with batteries.
Exactly. I’m glad I started 5 years ago with lipos and became extra conservative about batteries
Better safe than sorry. Especially with batteries.
Exactly. I’m glad I started 5 years ago with lipos and became extra conservative about batteries
Reposting here as well
Any leads where I could get large nickelstrips (at least 30 to 40mm) in Europe ?
nkon is out of stock and 18650club is charging 18 for shipment to France !!
Many data sheets do say you can bring them back from 1v if you slow charge them. I don’t think they would be telling you can if it’s dangerous.
Just double checking does this look right. Like with the fish paper it sticks out very far from the top. Is it just me and that’s normal?
Just want to make sure you know, it was a good shop a long time ago and run by a community member. But when I last placed an order there (late 2022) it took nearly two months to ship, even though I asked multiple times to please send it out asap, and I got less stuff than I ordered. Some people’s orders took even longer I think.
I wouldn’t order there again after that experience.
No clue where to get nickel besides nkon. You can try amazon maybe if you need it quick. When you get it scratch up a small piece and put it in salty water for a day. If it doesn’t start rusting it’s legit. If it starts rusting you can send it back.
Thank you very much for your experience with 18650club.
Waiting for nkon, I bought a strip on aliexpress. Will do the salt test anyway !
Seems normal ¯_(ツ)_/¯ better description is it doesn’t see too out of the ordinary. what cell is that?
Seems like the plastic gasket is bigger than most and pushing the ring up a bit
Thanks it’s 30T for the 16S8P, it’s a little longer than some other cells overall. Should I replace the plastic with fish paper and new shrink wraps?
I have no intent to do it dw I already have fish paper etc but what if someone were to just use the manufacturer insulators? Big fire risk?
(Ik 3Ah is abysmal but the cost was either 16s8p new 30T or 12s3p p42a and that’s not gonna peak 18kw)
I don’t see why to put in the effort to remove the plastic to put in the fish paper rings. Though it seems a little proud, the nickel should be able to make good contact. I also suspect light pressure will flatten the plastic and it will go together well. My opinion is leave it as is and add the fish paper rings like in your picture.
Definitely use the fish paper rings though, they are much more stable and insulating than the plastic factory ones against heat and vibration.
How I understand it, the factory rings are mostly just for protection during the manufacturing and shipping - but the builder of the battery pack is responsible for adding the necessary insulation and isolation required for the use case.
Our use is pretty heavy duty: high draw, compact arrangement, high vibration, all the worst possible conditions. The fish paper rings specifically keep the isolation between the positive terminal and the negative shoulder of the cell that the nickel will be pressed against it. Plastics get soft and it leads to POSSIBLE shorting of the cell at that location and how cheap and easy the fish rings are and how good they mitigate it is a no brainer - cheap solution to what could be a high risk
Even with an awful lot of pressure I can’t press a thin steel ruler onto the top, maybe the cells are a little abnormal as well as it being 3 layers. After re-wrapping I can press it onto the top. I think its actually just barley paper, so would it be too little?
Or would it be fine for the nickel to have to bend a lot or will it make less contact and make the welds have to be really strong?
I had no issues with dual fishpaper rings and below ‘level’ welding. Made it slightly harder to align 0.1mm copper/0.1mm nickel plated steel sandwiches, before the weld.
Been a while since we’ve seen some deranged stuff come from hummiiie in here.
I think if it’s a choice, one layer of the barley paper is better than wraps and plastic - it’s much more dimensionally stable - cant compress it - and more fire resistant/heat resistant.
Maybe just try to pull the weird plastic ring out and reheat the shrink to tidy it up then use the fish paper ring? It’s a bit of a head scratcher why they are so odd. Like the positive terminal isn’t high enough and that’s odd
Also i have commetted a crime against battery layouts… 18s6p in a single stack enclosure
This is going to be such a pain
Thank you. I’ll just pull off the wrap and re-wrap with barley paper, no real time or cost involved.
Is that 18S6P in a single stack pack or single stack enclosure with tall gasket? I’m interested in the build is there a write up anywhere? That layout is a pain but I’ve made much worse for 12S10P.
Im still figuring it all out and more supplies should come this weekend. Ill start a build thread once ive got it all in my head but im taking more pics this time around so it can go up more complete. Looks like 10mm gasket is in my future but my clearance should be 55mm and the deck is only 15mm above the axles
I’ve ordered 30mm nickel on ali couple of weeks ago. It passed the salt test, and feels really different from steel.
Deranged. Like following cell data sheets for reviving low voltage cells? Advising using a multimeter to assess a battery that may have been water damaged? Crazy. Shhhhhh. Don’t let anyone know.