The battery builders club

What did they advise on my bms? @BenjaminF u didn’t give any advice for me to even disagree with. It’s pretty obvious all that was posted by hero Benjamin was an insulting meme. Am i wrong?

When you combine batteries in series, you’re combining their voltage. Nothing else. So two 10Ah batteries in series would make a 10Ah battery (just with a higher voltage).

However, some specs are a function of voltage. For example, watts and watt-hours. These will therefore be affected by putting batteries in series. How about an example:

Lets say you have two identical 5s lipos. They each have a 10Ah rating, and a 10C rating. That means each lipo will have:

  • 5s (the number of cells in series inside each lipo) * 4.2V (the full charge voltage of each cell) = 21.0V max per lipo

  • 21.0V * 10Ah = 210Wh (watt hours) per lipo

  • 21.0V * 100A = 2100W (watts) per lipo (because remember, you have to multiply the C-rating by the Ah to get the max current potential of the lipo)

Now, if you combine them in series:

  • 5s + 5s = 10s (the series count of your new battery pack)

  • 10s * 4.2V = 42.0V (the max charge of your new battery pack)

  • 42.0V * 10Ah = 420Wh (nice)

  • 42.0V * 100A = 4200W

So even though you didnt increase the Ah or max current potential of your pack, you did increase your voltage, watts, and watt-hours.


Will u ever tell me what I’m not understanding and what all the experts are telling me?

My song and dance is wondering what I’m not listening to and why I’m being insulted ?

That seems a fair question deserving of a response that’s not vague.

Whenever there are specs that customers value, there will be companies/vendors lying about those specs to fool customers.

But yes, there are TONS of lipo companies/vendors wildly inflating their specs, C-rating especially. I would say your best bet to avoid this is to buy packs from well regarded brands and trusted vendors. Read lots of reviews from folks who know their stuff. Bonus points if you can find 3rd-party testing showing real specs.


You’re not going to keep me in the dark forever are u?



But no one is talking. Do u notice?
They run when asked.

Are u capable of posting other reasons why the bms is giving bad readings? If not it’s best to just … not post insulting memes. That makes sense to me.



Exactly. Brick walls dont respond. The irony is lost on u.

You are the brick wall homie :brick:


Let me try again nicely:

I asked if there was a reason my bms is giving bad readings. I got an insult. How is that helpful?

Still upset because u can charge under 3 volts is my guess. The pages and pages of insults and how dumb I was. That one was realized. What’s the dumb thing I’m missing now?

Can u explain what I’m not listening to?
@BenjaminF you cant say?

If there were even an answer given that would make sense. But nothing. Nilch. I read no experts I’m not listening to. Not one thing. I see pics of a battery from years ago.

I’m supposed to just accept insults …when I post a question here?

Man this hummie guys annoying


Being insulted repeatedly when just asking a question is annoying. Have you found the expert advice I won’t listen to?

Talk to me like in ur meme. Let’s see what you have to say that I’m not hearing.
@jack.luis you have the meme… can’t you make it realistic and actually say or show something I’m not listening to?


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When ur meme insinuates I’m not listening… you need to be saying something. What are u saying I’m not listening to like a brick wall?


@xsynatic can u say what I’m not hearing?

@BenjaminF nothing?

All these giving hearts when people say I’m not listening …listening to what?

@SternWake a relevant answer. Thank u. I’m very open to possibilities when I ask. I’m not open to just being insulted.

If I contribute only one valuable speck of knowledge to this forum, of any worth, which was not already widely known, it is the amazing efficacy of Caig Deoxit on wonky behaving connections.



that’s what I thought and no one can give a legit answer and instead this kind of response is encouraged.

People write and say don’t let them get to u. This isn’t the kinda place I want to be a part of