The battery builders club

Awesome, that makes sense, thanks a bunch.

For my 12s8p p42a setup, it seems like my cutoff is already pretty low. Do you think it’s in a good spot, or could I squeeze a bit more without damaging the battery’s life?

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I don’t know how low “pretty low” is, but lowering it below maybe 3.0 or 2.9v/cell won’t really give you much extra.

The single biggest thing you can do to use less power, is to ride slower and don’t accelerate/brake as hard or as often.
Other than that, there’s a bunch of little incremental things that can be improved (mechanical losses, electrical losses, rolling resistance), but there’s no silver bullet.

Setting your cutoff start voltage really high will effectively begin reducing your maximum throttle sooner, effectively forcing you to ride more sedately, but that’s not really much fun.

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Where’s the fun in that?? :sweat_smile:

Currently have it set at 3.4v, think I’ll go down to 3.2v. Maybe that’ll get me another mile.

Appreciate the help!


It will not.

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No? Should I not bother changing?

I’ve also heard reports of people sagging through the whole window (when soft and hard are set too close together) under heavy load, resulting in an instant power cut.

It may not be the most fun, but keeping a healthy window there is ideal IMO.


Do you think my current window is sufficient? What would you consider a safe(r) range?

I set all mine at 3.4 - 3.0

Haven’t really tinkered with anything else, so can’t comment.

The best way to get more range is to reduce your consumption though. Dropping to mode 2 on the puck will do a great deal in terms of range


Do you know whether my consumption looks ok? 12s8p on 6384s with 8 inch tires

This was a pretty fast, hilly route


Pretty good, that’s about my consumption on urethane :rofl:

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Looks about right :+1:

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Depends on how long you’ll cut your series connections, but I’d say no, because they will be constantly getting in the way and even short out some groups if you’re not extremely careful.

Yeah that makes sense. Guess I just need to practice soldering lol

I’m having such a hard time with series connection wires…they suck big time and the wires are stiff AF. Watched all of the solder videos @ShutterShock and @PixelatedPolyeurthan whiched helped a lot but I just can’t seem to get it right. This pic is after 5 attempts. Frustrated AF.

3 and 4 group done…wires are stiff. I better stop now until I can get this figured out huh?


I feel your pain, im not great at soldering but here are a few things i do that might help.

First put your pre soldered spots on the nickel as far apart as possible. make sure you use put down enough solder for the connection, a nice big puddle. Then precut as long of a wire as you can fit for the connections.

Use paste flux on the wire and mash it into the strands and massage it in a bit and wipe all the excess off and kinda shape the strands into a slight fan shape. now pre tin them with as high of a heat as you can for as short of a time as you can. you want to just wet it to grab all the strands and no more. as soon as it wicks up the solder stop and let it cool. you can check to see how far the solder has wicked once its cool and if it did something weird or pulled it in too far you scrap that one and do another. you can pre tin all your cables at once like an assembly line once you get one to do it right - figure out how much flux and how much solder to add before you cut and setup all of them. if you pay attention to how much solder you add to the wire you can gauge if it is too much or just right.

then when you go to do the connection, melt the puddle on the nickel and let that heat up the wire. as soon as it wets out stop heating it. let the wire cool before you do the other side. good luck!

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How hot should the iron be. Currently I’m at 371 •c

I have a 75w hakko with a fat chisel tip set to 450c… I don’t think I’ve ever turned it down from max lol.


I have a Hakko FX-888D. Im changing to this tip and give it a go.

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Make your life easier, cut the wire jumpers longer


Awwh ok…12s8p p42a 2x 12awg wire would be enough huh? I don’t think I’ll ever pull 200+ amps. If so do I have to wick up the extra solder pools?