The battery builders club

Slowly coming along.

I’ve got 2 glitches to solve. I know this is some serious nerd talk, but there are some serious nerds here. :slight_smile:

  • sometimes I get cell5 or cell6 with voltage > 40v or < 1v. Have to trap and throw those scans out
  • sometimes the bluetooth stack locks up, and I have to sysctl restart bluetooth.service. I can have the scan script do that, maybe with a sudo rule
  • one time, I think a glitch caused the bms to stay in some higher drain state. Resetting bluetooth on the pi and rescanning fixed the drain.

I’m sending to influxdb running via docker on the pi. Grafana does the graphing, and is also pi/docker. Docker on pi seems good, as it’s like a one liner to make it work, and this way the data backend can easily run on some virtual host in teh interwebs instead of the pi. Grafana can send alerts, which is the real goal.

I have a few improvements to make, and I need to package everything nicely, probably moving the scanner itself into a docker container.

The scan does use some power, as you can see in the graphs. I’m scanning at 1hr interval to generate some graph data, but once a day should be good for normal use. And yes this board has not been ridden in some time. :slight_smile:

I’ll make a thread when things are all nice and neat.