The battery builders club

guess no



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cancel that sheeeeeeeeeet

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Fuuuck. Gonna try to cancel

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they prob take more than a day to ship. you should be ok.

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cough cough cough coghohoho

don’t forget this

oh and check them out on instagram I was their first follower just now

Thanks for the tip. Trying to cancel. I like money…


This is so cool🤣


Why would you want to round thin nickel strips on a belt sander?
It would take ages and make a mess compared to scissors.


10S8P right now.


Thanks again… Great freaking tip…


I briefly shorted a p group this morning :frowning: and ruined a tiny pair of scissors. I was careless for a split second and that’s all it took. The group still reads 3.50 v, so I’m wondering, is the p group also ruined or is it useable? Is there any way to tell?

Pic for attention


If it was just a split second, should be fiiiiine.


Fiiiine = sarcasm? Sarcasm’s a dangerous thing in the battery builders forum :slight_smile:


How long was the short?

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Not really sarcasm. More a shorthand way to say you assume all the risks with diy battery pack building. Advice is just that, some people talking on the internet.

If it was like a small fraction of a second, I don’t see how it would have taken damage. But if it was like a full second or longer, I might consider doing some testing. If it was like 2sec+, I’m probably just find fresh cells for the group (but they might still be fine). It’s up to you though to figure out what you feel okay with.

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Time wise, a split second - like way less than 1 second. It was a pinprick size hole through the cell wrap to the cell wall. Total dumbass move on my part. It sparked and melted the point on my fine tip scissors, but was over very quickly.

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Understood. I’m not looking for someone to take the risk, just looking for input from someone with way more experience than me. If someone here said to junk it, I’d junk it and build a new p group I would. If the consensus is that it’s probably ok but should be watched, I’ll watch it.

It seems like the thinking is that it’s ok to use but that I should mark it and keep a close eye on it for a while. I’m good with that.

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It’s fine, don’t worry about it. Batteries are more resilient than that.


Welding is done. (I don’t like the auto mode)