ThaNoS_Short AT commuter_ ChooChoo deck | MAD Fury DD | Hammock Adj Base Plate | Haggy 6" / TB110mm wheels

Well I know other want it but not sure we can get to the threshold. The factory got used to decent amount for the past GB and won’t accept less for sure. Plus the price will increase. I can try to ask in case someone else is interested.

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The effort is appreciated all the same. Just @ me if/when you need funding. I don’t have time for this build until the new year anyway, so just trying to collect parts

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It takes always a bit of time between organization, production and distribution so it’s good to start sooner in case


Great work! Is it possible to obtain this adjustable base plate from you?

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Hi :blush: which one would you be ingested in?
The RKP style, for caliber, Paris, kahua ecc… Or the TKP for surf rodz TKP?

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Wait what? You have adjustable SR RKP baseplates now?

No no I don’t :sweat_smile: I have SR RKP but never needed to make adjustable, so I didn’t make it for them. Only SR I have the base plate is TKP but need to open a GB for them


Thank you very much for your quick response. My thought was that it would be great to use these adjustable base plates together with the direct drive from torqueboards to raise the height between the ground and the board (Cantellated Tesseract) which is a prerequisite if I want to use pneumatic tires, right? Furthermore, I was also wondering whether those base plates would allow me to use the TB’s DD with double kingpins? Unfortunately, however, it seems that the answer to both questions is negative, i.e. your adjustable base plates are not compatible with TB’s DD and it cannot be used with a double kingpin setup?

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Concerning TB direct drive they have a different kingping-pivot distance so no. For the other one I guess with dual kingping you mean evolve trucks. That has to be rested. I don’t know if SR TKP has the same fitting of casted TKP trucks. My guess is not but never tried.

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What does SR TKP stand for?

Yes, by the dual kingpin I mean the Evolve trucks or similar. I have both the elofty and TB’s DD; I prefer the double kingpin of the elofty, but I guess the motor of the TB is better/stronger? Yesterday, I briefly tried to fit the TB DD on the double kingpin’s from the elofty. That does not work, however, therefore I thought that your base plates could perhaps provide a solution to this problem (raise height and double kingpin trucks with DD).

SR TKP stays for Surfrodz traditional kingping. Basically same style of elofty but the precision truck version. Without the second kingping. TKP are already super carvy. The second kingping makes them to high and probe to turn for high speed


Thanks a lot for explaining. Do I understand correctly that your adjustable base plates - great work! - are incompatible with both the elofty and TB DD and can only be used with the DD that you developed?

However, they are also compatible with the Surfrodz traditional kingping? But then, how do I get the elofty or TB motors on the SR TKP trucks/axes?

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I have this adjustable baseplate wich I’m going to pair with my TBDD and ChooChoo deck. I’ll share with you my impressions once I try it.

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No problem.
I made the Hammock with 2 adapters.
RKP fits all the caliber, parys, kahua truck styles. You can see the link to pictures in the first post in the Hammock’s thread. So is not just my DD but whatever use that truck style.
TKP is SR because these are precision truck.
Concerning the elofty we would need someone with elofty truck and SR TKP to test whether they can fit.
From the elofty you can remove a king ping and use it as single kingpin

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Cool! Can you perhaps briefly explain what is the advantage of this adjustable baseplate in combination with DD? May be this is also a solution for me?

What would you recommend in my case if I want to have something carvy and with the possiblity to make tight turns (speed is secondary) to use together with TB DD and have to increase the height from ground to board in order to use pneumatic tires?

RKP turns less than TKP that for sure. What base plate angle do you have on your TB DD? 50 degree?

I only have the standard configuration which I bought from I will have to measure the angle.

Just measured the rear trucks: 52° degrees is what I got (if I measured that correctly ;-)).

They are 50 degree. Is written in the description.
So you are already at the limit. Then I would suggest to add a 10mm riser to start with (you can print them as well) and but some softer bushings. Barrel (board side) and cone (Street side). That will increase a lot the turning radio