TEF1 Atlantic 2025 Location Confirmed

Details below, no swipe needed, these were taken from our Instagram posts.


In case you are wondering or haven’t seen past posts, the event is taking place on Saturday, May 31st, 2025. Registration, categories, and event details will be posted to our TEF1 website this upcoming week. :slight_smile:

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Exciting! Looks like a sick track.

There’s a lot of us Socal/SanFran esk8 racers that would love to come out for the event… but, the logistics of traveling with our boards makes it too difficult (and I bet it’s a similar deal for EUC riders)

Have you thought at all about organized group logistics? ex. I pay $100(or whatever), give you my board a few weeks before the race, and you’ve got everyone’s equipment at the event when we arrive.

Probably a liability nightmare for you guys tho, but it doesn’t hurt to ask. Right now, a lot of us aren’t planning to make it out.


this even more so that almost all of races are on the west side of the states until chicago and ny later in the year for electrify expo

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Hey Tucker! We did have a conversation about this within our team, but it was very brief and was more so in conversation about hosting events outside of North America. You are correct though, cause it wouldn’t just be SoCal. People would want to ship from all over North America and that is what would be most problematic. That said, my suggestion would be to gather all the SoCal riders that want to go and come up with a plan together. Maybe everyone pitches in and you guys send a crate to NJMP directly with your boards and EUCs in it and split the cost. I’m sure NJMP would be okay with storing it upon arrival until you get there, they might charge a storage fee, but worth asking and they have been quite accommodating with us already, so I could see them being open to helping out if they can. Organizing the logistics for that within your group would probably be your best bet other than a cross-country drive. We do have a contact for a shipping company, so I’ll see if we can work something out with them, but I just don’t know if they serve SoCal. If I do figure out a solution for you, I’ll let you know. Either way, hope you are able to make it out. If not, be sure to watch the livestream. We will post details on that as we get closer to the event day!


Fair enough haha, thanks for the response

That would be fantastic. Big blocker for group shipments like this has always been actually coordinating with the shipping company. Organizing a crate, scheduling pickup (likely 1000+lb), without costing an arm in a leg


I’ll talk to the team on Monday and see if I can connect you guys with a preferred shipping company or if we can tackle it together. :slight_smile: Stay tuned!