Summer 2021 E-Games of D.I.R.T

Get lower, your center of gravity’s too high. In Jen’s video he’s practically crouching on the board.

Wow this one is going to be super difficult for me seeing how hard it was to do a 180…


Yeah it is harder than it looks, very easy to overpower like you did here. try getting proper low with that ass almost scraping the ground. Putting too much throttle will slide you over and come to a stop. This happened to me when i tried on grass at first

I mean having 4wd definitely helps not sliding over but i also got pebbles sprayed inside the helmet a couple of times :sweat_smile:

Its definitely doable on 2wd, did this a lot in the past, fried a couple of esc’s from digging to deep into the dirt which made me cautious about doing to many circles :grimacing:

Ah no sorry, I do think you can do this without heelstraps too. You just have to use the pressure of your feet pressing inwards or outwards.

Part of the difficulty of the trick is going in the same direction for both tricks, effectively going 360 degrees, rather than 180 and 180 back

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Yeah problem for me is too much grip lol it’s so hard to slide out at all on my board - I will probably have to change my motor mount height too because I get motor bite on the hanger if I bend over that far

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Any specific reason? Not enough torque? Putting enough leverage with your body it doesn’t require much torque to start sliding but a bit more to maintain it i guess

Nah, the only hard part is having a wet board and shoe lol whatever, I expected that

If I get my ass lower, the board tips straight over. You using traction control? The lack of sensors is killing the final 90° turns trying to regrip.

I may have to drop out if my board isn’t fixed soon. Running a fucking 55lb rat rig atm

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It might be that my batteries are too weak currently to provide enough sliding torque consistently -it’s probably just me though, I have a ton of torque available with this setup

Besides that, the feeling of being out of the grip zone is very foreign to me haha

I have traction control on most of the time but I turned it off for the 180 slide, I’m not sure if it will be easier with or without it in this case. I’ll need to find a dirt spot big enough to do this bc I don’t know if the grass here is shallow enough for it

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Never felt that specific issue tbh, as you may notice I got down before I start sliding. No TC, I run different KV motors in rear/front with different gearing so that wouldn’t work out well calculating ERPM difference

Well this board is around 80lbs, hence the no leaving ground stunt😅

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Isn’t it 540 degrees because you have to go back where you came from ?

Hmm I tried all sorts of heights and getting any lower flops my board over. I’ll have to try another day.

@Blise518B Idk it just said drift circle. You’re asking the wrong person

Idk if that was on purpose or not, if he says 360 degrees then you’d ride out in a different direction

To me that seems like on purpose.

Oh to be fair he never said 360 degrees anywhere lol

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Yep that’s kinda why I didn’t go with 360, that or I didn’t stop to think about it :sweat_smile:


Here is the right direction


And my leafy drift for @Seabjorn.

My ass is covered in mud right now :sweat_smile:

@frankthedragon and Jens you guys were spot on about getting lower. I thought I was getting much lower until I reviewed my game tape.

Now I really want to mount a grab handle on the bottom of my deck, front side.


I‘m a bit late for this weeks summery…
But we have a very nice 9th trick :relieved:
heelside drift a Circle 5.11.-20.11.*
Well done @Seabjorn :ok_hand:

@Venom121212 you got it done pretty quick.
Next trick is again up to you. Please be ready on 20.11. to show us what’s next.

Dropouts for this week:

Actual status can be checked in the first post of this thread as usual.


Does this count?, traction was broken for 98% of the circle


For the Record, its FS 180 to FAKIE FS 180 pivot.
Fakie does not change what FS and BS are.

I feel a video may be in order to help explain FS, BS, Nollie, and Fakie.
An how they apply to rails also. An example is how a FS board-slide slides you in a backward direction but with explanation it can really makes sense, as to why its like this.