Suggested Forum Improvements 2022

I don’t think that this is possible. I also don’t think that it would be a good idea as you would A: Skip the main post of the thread and B: literally every single reply in this thread.

If the topic is about current news, yes, i’d like to see the latest but for so many different topics and questions, not so much.

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Thanks for sharing this story; I feel seen! :slight_smile:

Ya, the slowness to resolve issues like this can be real. The slowness comes, IMO, because it takes time to give someone the chance to improve, and to try to get “all sides” of a situation before a formal action is taken. It benefits everyone for us to approach any dispute as if there are two legitimate perspectives. Although, in the moment, it can anger someone who feels wronged if an immediate action isn’t taken. You brought the problem to us in the most helpful way I can imagine; I’ve always been thankful for how you approached it. Kudos.


No worries at all, as I said I didn’t feel like you guys took too long to consider stuff and make sure it wasn’t a false alarm or anything. I think once it became clear it wasn’t just someone making one comment or having a bad day the response was v fast, all good


Here you go everyone, use this freely:

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Please consider:


Lmao ayyyyy.

This is my only contribution, you’re welcome Damon.

Some fuckin amazing peace and quiet, I’ll tell you hhhhhhwat.

Okay, 2nd contribution. @jamie 4mod


I can work on updating this


I just ordered a barleywine delivery for you. Let’s get spicy.


In my experience there has never been a single moment where negativity or positivity was less effort than not participating.
If you’re fighting someone, you chose it, and that was pretty stupid of you. Embrace the do less enjoy more lifestyle and never look back<3

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Ryan is a weirdly old young dude in a room full of weirdly young old dudes. Lmfao.



Probably accurate

I calls ems as I sees ems. -squirrelly dan, probably


I think you meant

Ryan is a weirdly old grandpa


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for gods sake he’s like the oldest person on this forum

Dr. Jekyll needs the help these days.

You see what happens when you say that? Bill shows up.

Someone has to join him at the

Great clutter of useless banter yall are creating

@Evwan nice serious thread lol