sadly around 3 month ago the guy who borrowed the welder managed to short the xt90 and ruined the welder.
i managed to nab another flipsky welder for a good price.
sadly it doesnt have lipos
so some new rules (yay)
1 - when you get the welder you are responsible i dont care if it was an accident or the shipping companies fault. its your problem to sort out.
2 - the cost will be shipping + £15 that will go into a fund to buy parts for it when necessary (lipos, good tips, balance charger, etc…) if you really cant afford £15 you can get off without.
3 - please only ask for the welder once your actually ready to weld. im gonna put a cap of 2 weeks as the max time you can hold it unless provable unusual circumstances arrive which stop you from completing your battery.
4 - im going to make a wiki post to sign up for it. if your name isnt there you havent signed up.
i may add more points in the future
sign up here
add forum name
add current date and when you want to use it
also add any notes that the guy before you will try to accomodate (e.g ‘if you have any spare fishpaper please include’)
@mr.shiteside - update 3: welder arrived 7th July 2021 - forgot to update the next user when they asked in September but contacted again 16th November and sent it 17th November
shiteside requesting again Jan '23, will update when I find where it is and when I can get it
That is really generous my dude, I like that Brotherhood of the traveling welder I won’t be able to enjoy that but is great offer for UK people. You guys could add leftover supplies everytime you ship it
well the first taker is @Kev
posting here just as insurance in case something goes wrong and if anyone can vouch for him it would be super useful.
it is going to germany so if anyone in the eu wants to take it after go ahead and that way it can just be paying customs once when it comes back in
tinp123 has sent a couple batteries from croatia to uk with gls and i sent one to him with ups so i thought so
i will contact them and ask but they have a clear button on their site asking whether it contains lithium batteries
Yeah if this option is still there I’d like to take it up (not urgent) after @meeezy, I’m based in Ireland so hopefully not too much hassle. Happy to pay a rental fee/buy a couple beers
Any word on wwhere it’s off to at the moment? I’m not in a huge rush but I finally got my bigger enclosure so I’d like to use this for a new pack if possible
well my welder managed to kill itself (the guy who i lent it to said it was his fault (not the welders) and he is paying for it to be returned to sequere to have it fixed)
i will update once i get. my kweld may be up for a quick use if you are desperate.
ahhh shite, may he rest in peace. Nah don’t worry about it, I might buy a used one on ebay and resell if I have the cash before the sequere comes back - cheers anyway. Please let me/us know if it comes back though and hope you’re recovered from that masochistic bike trip last week
sadly around 3 month ago the guy who borrowed the welder managed to short the xt90 and ruined the welder.
i managed to nab another flipsky welder for a good price.
sadly it doesnt have lipos
so some new rules (yay)
1 - when you get the welder you are responsible i dont care if it was an accident or the shipping companies fault. its your problem to sort out.
2 - the cost will be shipping + £15 that will go into a fund to buy parts for it when necessary (lipos, good tips, balance charger, etc…) if you really cant afford £15 you can get off without.
3 - please only ask for the welder once your actually ready to weld. im gonna put a cap of 2 weeks as the max time you can hold it unless provable unusual circumstances arrive which stop you from completing your battery.
4 - im going to make a wiki post to sign up for it. if your name isnt there you havent signed up.
you pay shipping to you the next guy pays shipping from you and etc… if no one else wants it after you then you can keep or ship back to me until someone wants
putting this here in case it’s relevant to others but I can just move to PMs if that’s easier.
sounds good, let me know when you have the welder to send on to me but I’m not in a rush. I have the cells sitting on a shelf and will order order the nickel tabs from a place that takes a couple of days to deliver, should still definitely be ahead of the arrival of the welder.