Spintend 75V/200A Ubox (Based on 75V/300A VESC)and Uni1 Introduction !

So i will go with the stlink(just ordered one) and try to flash fw and the bootloader directly with it
Ill come back with updates as soon as i got the stlink

You can use one side of the spintend to do the other side.

@DerelictRobot help me out here dude, i’m way over my head


It’s not listed there. You need to select custom file and get the file from the Spintend website.


They’ve accidentally named it the same. It will show as 75_300_R2.

Is the voltage reading correct?

You got the custom file from their website, right?

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i tried the 100A one as i dont need the 300A
im in vontact with amy from spintend she will send me the fw and a tutorial for swd flashing the firmware as iz seems tht the bootloader is not working becuase of the wrongly uploaded fw
ill let you know how tht turned out


Thanks, Brian. That worked and I was able to connect to the esc with my mobile app once I figured out the remote and my phone were fighting over the bluetooth connection.


Not sure where @Sharky ended up but @glyphiks is correct. I went through this just yesterday and was able to get it fixed by using the SWD set up. You can use the 4pin can bus cable. Just be sure and to disconnect the RST and VCC. You only need to connect the DIO, GND, and CLK.

@BillGordon and @DerelictRobot Thank you for the help.


yepp i already got in contact with amy from spinted (great support)
i got the correct files and will do the bootloader swd flasch tday with their tutorial
ill let you know how it turned out


@AmySpintend @glyphiks @b264 @BillGordon @Fosterqc
i just wanna to make a shout out and tnak you very much for taking time looking into my issue with the Firmware on the UBOX
@AmySpintend thx soo much for the great support spintends user support is really good :slight_smile:
So i got the SWD flash firmware instructions and files from Amy and will do this today to get the corrupted Bootloader working again then the Custom Spinted FW should be able to be uploaded to the ESCs.
Ill let you all know how this turned out when im done (unfortunate i need to work :slight_smile: right now )

KR and thy again


Yeah, work on your esk8.

and I was there too. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


ohhh sry man ive overseen you
one sec il fix this :wink:

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I shouldn’t have to worry about this if I haven’t touched the firmware it shipped with, right?

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yeah i think so
i just wanted to update to the latest version and made tht mistake


I did the same. I updated from 5.1 to 5.2 with using the Ubox custom firmware but didn’t know about needing to flash the esc first. I am very happy I noticed the voltage difference between the esc and smart BMS.

@AmySpintend, This information would be great to know when going to update. I love all of the information you provide on the website and even the warning about the voltage issue. I could see it being helpful to provide a video or PDF on updating the Ubox using the SWD process. Make it a part of the download for the end user like my self.

Thanks again for such a robust esc. I am excited to start testing it.


Agreed, I’ve never used anything but what the VESC Tool android app has given me.


So with the great help of @AmySpintend and you other guys i managed to flash the correct fw to the ubox via swd

Now also my issues with the wrong voltage readings on the davegax are gone
Thx again very much i just need to do the whole motor and app setup againthen i should be fine


Just wanted to highlight this again because it’s important.

Highly recommend that Spintend uses their own firmware identifier/name to avoid confusion with other firmware versions. Had an issue last week with one that had the wrong R2 version loaded with no way to tell aside from the voltage being incorrect.

And to reiterate: the issue extends beyond the voltage displaying incorrectly. It causes the current sensors to have an incorrect VREF value, which can have very dangerous/unstable impacts during usage. One absolutely must use the custom firmware on these for stable operation.


Yes the naming was confusing
I had been lucky tht nothing happened during my first ride


yes, good suggestion. we do receive some customer feedback of such thing, so already changed our customed ubox firmware name. so next time when you get one, you can check the firmware name is already changed.thanks!


Sure, good suggestion, people seem not usually to check the FAQ. so I will update it in blog.