Space Cowboy | Prototipo | 12s5p 40T | Hypertrucks | 6396 140kv | Neptune BMS | Unity

Courage :muscle:
Hope it’s not too soon, but I’m sure you will be able to reuse this beauty one day,
maybe with extender braked and so the end tips could act like a big gas pedal (or adjustable base plate+riser) :

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Using focbox ui on osx and was having the same problem. bluetooth times out uploading firmware. then it reconnects and let’s you know again that the previous firmware is old. :smiley: Using a usbc serial cable solved the problem.

oh man, I do this all the time. I didn’t know it was risky.

Dude that would work
This thing could see the road again some day


She’s snapped man


This makes me sad lol

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i can’t bring myself to start the processes of taking it apart.
It’s to soon, I need time :frowning:


Order a new one and get back on the road! That thing is too pretty to sit in the house

Me and sender are working on that

This is the way


That’s what we like to hear! Pick a good one :wink:

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lesson one
Never turn the remote off before turning the board off.

Lesson two
If you see a stranger fallow him.


What remote were you using ?

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The mini
I’ve been running one for 2 years without any issues
I think it was the unity


so sorry this happened. i assume you set and bench tested the mini’s receiver failsafe, and i feel terrible knowing that the unity was at fault

That really sucks man, it was such a beautiful deck too. I love astronaut themed stuff, and the frit was perfect.

I’ve never seen a remote do that before. Imagine if you were riding it and your remote shut off! That would be even worse for your wellbeing. When I set up my GT2b remotes I always make sure they failsafe to neutral throttle, just in case my remote dies while riding, I know I can footbrake for slower speeds


This might be my next skin, helmet reflection to match TB Arctic blues


This behavior happened to me on friday while setting up a rebuild. Turned out to be the failsafe calibration on the mini remote. Very simple fix. Can turn off remote at my leisure. @b264 has a nice writeup available. Really too bad it had to happen like that dude…


Good idea, a beskar deck will never break


Ooh that’s awesome. I’ve got the artic blue ones too, got some cool griptape to go with them, but the sender skin leagues above griptape

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Keep up the spirits, at this point of build, well only the deck needs replacing and you will be back riding.

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