Some Reporting Issues with Vesc Wand (Under investigation)

THX @DerelictRobot! You are very on topic, always!

There is a huge difference in between bench testing and riding. Riding counts most for me.
This is actually what we do. We actually ride a lot and do our final testing this way.
We also build different boards (top and bottom mount battery, single twin).

We test on a huge variety of boards.
For example I have a Urban Carver with under board battery and a Orrsom with under board battery.
On one setups I have the receiver under/near my rear foot inside the battery enclosure.
On the other one it is near the front foot inside the battery enclosure.
This is a very typical setup for many board.

On both boards I never had cutouts and I put my kids on them (with very limited power/speedprofiles).
With both Boards I ride through 5G networks and noisy down town areas like Alexanderplatz and Zoo.
With both boards I do group rides like the protest rides we had and skate by night.


Always is a bit generous.

Any information from BV on additional logging capability on the Wand? RSSI is nice, but generally I log packet success/failure rates as well.


I will ask for it. Actually he worked hard on logging to allow users to help each other and dig down to problems faster.
This is a very transparent way to make data visible and comparable.


Great stuff guys. The last 4 posts should be on the original topic so its heading in the right direction.


Where are the logs stored? Sd card on the remote? Or just logs to your phone using BLE?

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CSV on phone (for the now).


It works, I have tested updating the flipsky dongle and used it with the wand. Would be nice if the code comment is valid and if so what are the limitations. (Or just check the code since it will be quite obvious what those are by either compilation flags or state handling


The video is unlisted and is going to get about 20 views from the few people in this thread. I can’t believe you’ve discovered the genius of my viral marketing strategy.


Sorry for being a bit harsh on that topic Jeffrey. I know you are actually a nice guy and we would get along pretty well in every days life. However, this thread is a bit annoying…and it doesn’t make my mood better.
Next time I’m in the US I’ll knock on your door and invite you on a beer or two and a ride (or better the other way around). I’m pretty sure most of us would actually get along very well doing some riding.e


Appreciate the apology. Understand the annoyance with some of the over-reactions here. It was not my intent to stir up a mob just to report things I had found with my own setup.

Couldn’t agree more, looking forward to a beer. So much silliness on this forum is resolved by removing the keyboards and screens.


Didn’t try the Wand receiver inside the La Croix CF enclosure-
previously METR BLE signals have struggled with drop-outs inside the enclosure so ended up poking the METR whip antenna outside clipped to motor cables and its works fine.

Is there anyone out there who has a La Croix and fitted Wand receiver inside enclosure and has no Wand connection problems?

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I’ll test exactly this. It’s one of my main enclosures I test against. Mostly waiting to see if we can get better logging on the Wand so we’re not reliant upon the LEDs only.

I noticed the same with Metr Pro connection, but I’ve had no issues with other remote connectivity using that enclosure so far.


It’s a very good Faraday cage, so no surprise that any Bluetooth signal will have a hard time to get through.I think good practice would be a section with no CF to allow radio transparency in that area.
Or a compartment for radio transceivers that sits outside the enclosure.

This is also the reason why I’m reluctant to place a BLE modules inside the ESC itself.
The VESC 6 has the BLE footprint on the PCB (easy to solder one on), but usually this location is not ideal and you do not know where the ESC mounted and in which orientation. In most cases It`s not the ideal location. A separate module can easily be placed in a location for good connectivity.


One has to route so many cables outside. Not convenient when you are trying to minimizes holes to make it water proof. Also now you have to waterproff the BLE module which sits outside the enclosure. Isn’t it convenient to have an external antenna? Often time things sit in faraday cages but the antenna is outside.

Something like this. Look at the bottom right of the enclosure.


Our riders snap off anything that is hanging out at the bottom.


Better build a radio transparent bubble, dome, compartment attached to the enclosure.
Zero cables that need to feed through anything.


Amen onboard wireless with optional external antenna port would give convenience and flexibility.

It’d be awesome if @Trampa made a tutorial to flash and diy your own NRF board with antenna. From what I understand this should be possible?

I can understand not wanting to offer multiple recievers/antennas.

But there are some people out there who want to control their boards from 400m away and I think that’d help mitigate this issue, also just for some extra peace of mind.

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Benjamin Vedder has a tutorial on his YouTube channel.

@DerelictRobot and @Skaterboy58 I have a Lacroix and Wand As well, and needed to place the receiver on the centerline of the deck, away from the outer carbon strips, to get good reception.

Please excuse the phone markup picture. But the location marked in green is much more solid than the initial location marked in red.

In the red location, I had multiple instances of signal loss and strange behavior like continued acceleration when trying to slow. In all instances the remote reconnected after a second or two and didn’t cause any real harm, but it was scary, and I wouldn’t use it like that long term. I have 2 Hoyt’s and 2 Maytech’s and have never had a single problem with the Hoyts in my area or the CF enclosure.

After moving the receiver to the green location I have a much better connection. I only felt one input lag on Saturday over an 8 mile ride, and I can not be sure that it was the wand.

I think there may still be occasions where I tilt the wand away from the board, and my body blocks the receiver, causing some signal loss. I’ll report back if I can see a pattern.

After the weekend, I’m loving the wand again. I really appreciate the design and effort to integrate the oft mentioned round screen. It’s pretty sweet.

My only current issue is that the battery % for my board always reads 100% on my wand screen. Metr reads it correctly. Any ideas @Trampa?