So much hate against eskaters these days

I wonder how many of her it would take in conjunction to antimatter to create the mass of a dying neutron star


Or better yet: wonder if I’ll ever get to see her black hole


No, one of them clearly tell me “you cannot operate motorized vehicles in the bike lane, and that is a motorized vehicle, get on the sidewalk”. I’m like, first of all california law says… guy goes, oh, you want to argue with me? I’m like okay nevermind I’ll get on the sidewalk.

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yea it was best not to argue, but your vehicle has the classification of “electrically motorized board” which allows it to use bike paths and lanes etc


Yeah I was aware of that statute, but all the motorcycle cops in that particular city is for some reason mis-informed of it, or has some grudge against it and just want to be an ass about it.

I had nothing to gain from arguing about it cept maybe a timeout at the police station and wasting my time in court, so just follow their advise and terrorize the pedestrians instead.


here’s where they argue in court that you weren’t technically on an “electrically motorized board” although in my view there’s a loophole


Different group of people actually, the sheriffs don’t mind it, and cops from other cities didn’t mind it either. I probably had a chance in court with the semantics of the law but I just don’t think its worth it to me.


Here in West Hollywood they use the maximum speed part of that. “If it is
capable of going above 20mph, you get a ticket”. Which is apparently why all the escooter rentals here are limited to 20mph


That’s good to know actually. I’m not in that area often but I’ll keep it in mind when I see a cop around.


I’d try fighting those in court by saying “it isn’t powered solely by a propulsion system, but is in fact designed to also be powered by human propulsion”


That is almost exactly what I say. Smart man.

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^also if you want your board to actually by limited to 20mph, you might try adjusting this firmware parameter to less than 0.99… for example if your board is geared for 40mph no load, then if you change this parameter to 0.5, then your no load speed will be cut in half because the maximum voltage your motor will be able to see is half of the battery voltage… this wouldn’t otherwise affect the motor current or torque up to that speed, but try at your own risk as I haven’t tested it.

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I’ve tried talking to them about how it can all be limited by the speed controller. “We aren’t going to run forensics on your board, if the website says it’s at all capable of going over 20mph, you get a ticket”


yes that kind of thing needs to be explained to the traffic judge when you fight the ticket. or you could try your luck with “it was also human powered” and if that’s accepted then there really is no hardware limit as long as you average less than 1000w, but you can’t actually legally go over 15mph on the streets, sidewalks or bike paths


The law originated because the lawmakers asked a skateboard company who at the time, was making boards that went 15mph and had 1000w to the wheels. This law may change in time, because speed limit vs what the vehicle is capable of should not be related. Like cars have speed limits of 65 on the freeway, but it’s not illegal to drive a car that is capable of 200mph, as long as it is not being driven that fast. How stupid would it be, “says here your honda civic has a top speed of 125mph, here’s a speeding ticket even though you were going 65”


Last week I hopped off my board to go in the door at target, a lady yelled at me out the window of her shitbox “ you can’t ride that in the street” I said actually I can, she says “it’s not a vehicle” I said actually it is. Then I waited for the next response and she drove away :joy: idiots don’t know the law about motorized vehicles on the sidewalks where they expect me to ride. As for throwing stuff, if I have to hit the dirt, I’ll be swinging my board at shit for sure. Try to hit me with your car and I’ll pump it full of lead. Florida’s a stand your ground state.


I’ve had a few sheriff riding behind me to and from work, I’m booking it and drinking my coffee I give them a quick glance and a wave and they just carry on, usually surprised that I hit the speeds I do, I think they mostly expect me to inconvenience them making them drive slow until they can pass me. There’s a few stop signs I make sure I stop at so they don’t have reason to pull me over. I’ll have to look into the electric board speed limit here in Florida, never heard of it.


Hmm upon further research it is illegal for me to ride here. :man_shrugging:t2: Catch me if you can suckas


I just either call them broke, poor, ok boomer or offer 200 bucks to ride as I do or do the same tricks I can.

Doesn’t help that I live in venice, the hometown of skateboarding pretty much

I just rode through venice a couple days ago. Didn’t really get any shit about it. Is it not e-friendly over there? Bird scooters everywhere

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