Webstore (serious)

Hello Fellow DIY esk8 enthusiasts!

It has been an absolute pleasure getting to know everyone and everything that it is…that we do here.
With that said I would like to present to you all

password to enter is: “iwantbattery” all lower case all one word

the password will remain in place for the next few weeks as I continue ironing our some details about the webstore.

The main purpose for the webstore is to provide a better way for people to buy batteries from me and an easier way for me to track things, at the moment all of my work is done through forum DMs, I am hoping to move some of that to

I will from time to time post completes for sale there as well, and there is an option to commission me to build you a DIY.

I WOULD LOVE YOUR FEEDBACK! as I am brand new to this whole website thing, I am sure there is a million things I will need to address and fix. Please take a look and let me know any changes you would like to see, as well as battery related products you would like me to look into stocking.

I feel like this is an exiting new beginning for me…to continue doing what I already am :sweat_smile:

Ride safe and have fun everyone!


Have you thought about doing a quote form? Something like on Benji’s website? When the time comes for me to put battery services on a website, I will be referencing Benji’s quote form very closely for ‘inspiration’

i’m gonna copy that sucker word for word… fight me @BenjaminF


Looks great! Maybe add a little more info on pricing based on cells, etc kinda thing. Like @glyphiks said a quote form would be great to have too


The site looks good. I’ll definitely send some people your way. It helps to have a site when I refer somebody. It just looks professional. There are some spelling and grammar mistakes. I hate to break your balls, but customers can be a pain in the ass about it. I swear some fucker actually went through my site and found every error, just so he could bitch about it on face book. I thanked him for the help with editing.


Awesome @Skyart
Are you going to have some backstock of certain style Battery packs
Like for example 12s4p p42a or 14s etc :call_me_hand:


If you got the cash, see if you can stock some enclosures too.


Thank you for all the feedback! Yeah I am getting some help with grammer and stuff, English is actually my second language :rofl: never learned any grammer :sweat_smile: lol I am actually going to a writing class in 2 weeks :man_shrugging:


I am not sure exactly how to do this. But if I do, it will probably be a 12s4p in both flat or brick layout


Great idea!!! Will look into it


Please break them. I need to make sure its perfect lol


Have not thought about that…great idea tho


This is going to make your life wayyy easier. I imagine all the questions you end up asking a potential customer are the same - it’ll save everyone time if you create something like a Google form with all that for them to fill out at their leisure.

Additionally, I’d add an FAQ to your website and keep throwing all the questions you get from customers. Pack lead times, shipping costs & times, payment methods, etc

Lastly, for someone (me) who’s at the planning stages of a new build. I’d love to get a breakdown of different costs for different packs so i can make an informed decision, i.e. 12s4p P42A vs 12s8p 30T etc etc

The best example of this I’ve seen is

The additionally transparency of a line item breakdown is a really nice bonus.


Also spend a good amount of time getting your Shopify payment settings and shipping options set up. When I was running a Shopify site, that was pretty complicated, especially since you’ll be restricted to ground shipping. You’ll need to decide if you’re willing to ship internationally and set that up as well. It helps to get a business account set up with DHL, UPS, etc. Business rates are a fraction of the consumer rates, even if you do low volume


Yes that is all a great idea. I love the FAQ section idea, will implement for sure. Will also try to see if there is a way to get a price breakdown on the different listing I will have. Lots of work ahead of me, not the mention building the actual batteries lol :sweat_smile:


There’s probably a couple dozen guys around running Shopify sites and/or actual web devs that can weigh in, but if you need help tinkering, I’m happy to take a look.

Once you get it setup to your liking, it’s pretty maintenance free. I really enjoyed Shopify.

Send me a PM if you like


This is nitpicking a pet peeve of mine rather than anything important but:

Watts (W) are a unit of power (ie rate of energy use per unit time) and Watt-Hours (WH) are a unit of energy that come from multiplying power by the time it can be used.


Ha! Good catch!


Looks good to me. Simple and easy

Quote form is an awesome idea

Need some 18s batteries in the catalog

Need to figure out how to fit a 20s14p configuration on a board :grin:


Hell yeah man, congrats on the website!


Super cool man. That whole multiply SxP really got me. Congrats :metal:



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