SKP Esk8 100mph build

thanks def considering using them
doesnt seem to hard to install

Have you ridden them yet? Obviously encoder should be an even more perfect start than hall sensors, but I wonder if there is a big difference

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Havnt riden yet, waiting on a few things still


Ah, wasn’t sure if you had put em on a different build. I remember the biggest flex of Jens with his encoders was doing stall burnouts on asphalt with no cogging

That and easily switching directions on a hill

You can do those things with sensors too but sometimes it’s not perfect

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Yeah should be pretty nice once I get this rolling


If the goal is really to go 100mph I wonder if all the moving parts could take that speed: bearings, gears, motor rotor, tires, and more. Would a bench test even be a valid trial-run


I don’t think this can physically do it…I mean I am on MBS shock blocks :smile: can you imagine the wobbles at like 70mph from the slightest steering Input?

Motor bearings/gear drive bearing, in this set up have been changed to accommodate the possible higher speed but still not sure if they can handle 100mph. These tires I doubt could handle that speed, but the scooter tires I plan to put on this might. This gear drive is also a bit different from stock finality that is available from @3DServisas again just a few component changes to accommodate the possible higher speed


Buy a wing suit for maximum airbrake, it’s probably safer to use for bail


When what’s his name came off the board doing I think 60mph in that eskate promotional video (how ironic) I think he was very lucky. He hit the ground in maybe an ideal position but had the board failed in such a way as to send some imbalance through his body… who knows.

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Are you talking about when Raith had a spill?

I forget his name and the 4 wheel hub motor board he was promoting. The tires both came off the front at the same time I think

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Oh no that must be different



Yeah that dude landed perfectly, going for the slide as a pose to tumble/run off is always the better call


He slid like a solid 50 feet too

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Hella lucky in my mind. I would’ve tried to run it off instinctually and been fucked. It happened so fast maybe ideal and didn’t have time to react badly. Then again he’s probably been there many times before


Yeah, for sure no time to react very much, just looked like it went out from under him

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Bench test

For now HFI because for some reason the tronics don’t like the encoders, working with developers to see what’s up. Encoders worked fine on official vesc and OG focbox

Tire expansion is a thing lol


hily balls dude Overkill as always :clap: :clap: :clap:


Artem, please dont die.

But if you do, can I have all your stuff?