SKP 6485 Modors…V6 preorder 🧲 (Shipped)

The hottest I’ve ever gotten my flipsky to is 81c, and that was after some pretty intense hills at high speed.

They cooled down relatively fast

I’m asking for proof though, has anyone actually seen the reachers perform better? @JoeyZ5 got his pretty dang hot on 20s

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I think we should have Joey try some flipsky on 20s…:laughing:

Higher voltage will increase heat too but you can see in his logs where to motor will reach a plateau my 18s builds I notice these will heat up fairly quickly to around 80c but form 80-90 takes a lot of effort. This is because the front of the motor sucks air in through the grates and vents it out the back.

Have you seen any issues with it sucking in sand or other debris? Or is it protected pretty well?


No enough to make an issue out of it.

I have a few early V5s on a Cutomer’s board and he rides a lot of off-road, the build is about 8 months old and the motors are going strong


Is that can temp or internal? Mine are definitely hot even at relatively modest power levels. Ill try and do a few runs down here once it stops raining.

I’m about to be crash test dummy for the 6375s with dirt and general pnw areas.

The openings on the 85vs 75 are pretty different. I’ll measure them when I get home. You can see both are potted a bit so hopefully that’s helping.

I do notice that the magnetism to pick up random stuff off the ground is different between reachers and torqueboard motors.


As reported by the temp sensors. I could measure external later but I feel like that isn’t as useful

I can confirm these motors are much better with metallic sand than Flipsky motors:

@DuckBatterySystems were covered in iron after our beach ride


Magnetiviny of the Modors test :woozy_face:


So this is partially down to the thicker can. The only reason these motors are 64mm wide is due to added cam thickness. This helps them take a hit or two better than other motors

My V4 is still going strong

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I think you have a V4…is it One that looks like this?

These have about 2k miles of riding on them at 100 motor amp settings and various road conditions. They still would and sound great, I plan to keep using them untill they completely give out


What’s the board on the left :disguised_face:


I see nothing :eyes::eyes::eyes:


Looks kinda like a @tomiboi deck to me


Think i see a negative rear angle tip :thinking:

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Probably just perspective, but I wouldn’t put it past skyart to have some kind of one of a kind prototype

I’d guess it’s this:

it’s definitely the tomiboi aesthetic… prototype?

wait no that’s an odashi right

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Forum full of Sherlock Holmes over here :nerd_face:


Ride log 173kv super early V5 with the fully potted stator and sensor PCB all the way in the back these have developed the sensor issue, but the motor are now being ran on VSS

These are about 7months old now, and this particular ride is not going easy on them

1:3 gearing
100 motor amps
6” tires
Lots oh hills