Sixshooters VS Haggies

He’ll find a way to strip the magnets. Like every screw on his board. :wink:


@Kellag OMG your one of those guys lol jk


I just bought this to balance the torqueboards 6 inch tires :smile:. They fit well on the wheels.


By itself th 5x1 inline SK8 pnumatic profile looks terrible for Esk8. Stretched out on a wider wheel it lays out at 124mm with a larger footprint.


Those look sweet!

Damn… so it’s a no go on the 5inchers @MoeStooge?

Off road not happening. On road track racing mmm don’t think so. Uphill racing could be. Speed record board plausible. At 80 psi I wonder where the grip and Wt hr per mile is in these. They should be an easy balance for 75mph with no noticeable distortion. By widening the sidewall angle a bit more the tire should take lateral loading and hold shape nicely in a hard turn. Will be putting on a yet wider wheel and give a good flogging to. A 125 mm pnumatic with roll resistance close to large thane with more grip is a target not yet hit. There is as always a trade off between grip and roll resistance.


Hmm… So on road street racing is a no go with 5’s correct?

I know nothing about this 5". Needs put through its paces. Hard to say what if any of it is usable.

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Alright thanks @MoeStooge! Keep me posted on what you end up doing or if you find someone who can make race wheels again :grin:

Last I remember those 5x1 look like they are the same as Skikes.

They don’t last long I think.


Welp, I’m going with Sixshooter :grin: @370HSSV had some for sale at a price I couldn’t resist :smiley:

Also, the build these are going on isn’t a moestooge copy, but it’s gonna be fast, powerful, and dope that’s for sure!


Did you ever get around to testing this?

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Went with the grippy 155x50 pnumatic low profile (turned out to be a really great tire) and put the 5x1 on the backburner. Currently fabricating a wheel bench test dyno for the new Stooge Race Wheel. I plan on putting the 5x1 on it as well.
Will be able to moniter tire temps at given loads and speeds over a coarse of given miles to find failure thresholds.


I’d love to some hard testing on different tyre profiles, specifically when it comes to rolling resistance and the wh/mi. Haggy vs Clever vs whoever to see who can get as close to than as possible. Pretty sure Haggy at 85psi easily wins but would love some data :drooling_face:

At the same pressure, I was getting about 20% higher consumption on clevers compared to haggy.

Where is the link for these Ali tires

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Is there a specific pulleys for these?

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@dickyho sells a pulley for them. Another option is vex robotics pulleys with a 3d printed adapter. I personally use the vex pulleys.

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