Sirantua 200x50 Rapid Tire wear vs similar looking tires

that sucks. the clevers I had lasted me as long as kendas.
and the sirantua i opened the thread with, were like poof gone…

something something compounds, batches, quality control… blah… :frowning:

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What are you doing, 80km rides??


Yep! :smirk:


I have noticed that Trampa started selling “Razor” tires as well (currently out of stock). Anybody tried them yet if they are better than budget aliexpress ones?

Yeah I use the razor marketed ones regularly that have that tread.

I worry about those linked ones being a softer compound though. The matte finish and more gray color has indicated softness for me and I have gone through a lot of tires. The shiny, black finish like in the one I linked is a harder tire compound and lasts much longer without noticeable ride feel difference.

I’ve used these this year as well, not marketed as razor but still the same tire by all appearances.

And finally, I just bought these as backups but haven’t gotten to ride them. Super cheap and look/feel promising.

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