Sellers - Policy Update, READ THIS NOW!

I did say you said it, I was asking a question. There was nothing touchy about it.

As far as I can tell no one is stifling the free market, in fact we are trying to enable it. I refer you back to @BillGordon’s earlier comment.

The absence of dibs and reserves means the entire process is more fare and free, IMHO. Feel free to discuss, I was genuinely looking for your feedback.


I get the rule and all but. Really surprised this forum is implementing a no dibs rule on for sale threads before making a rule about not commenting on for sale threads unless you’re interested in buying.
the shitposting and conversations that go on by people that have no interest in buying something is way more destructive than someone saying dibs.
Going through 40 comments of people arguing about a product or something unrelated to the thread is way more irritating to me.
This is the only enthusiast forum I’ve ever been on that hasn’t had such a rule.


You’re right, and we’re talking about a solution that addresses that, too.

Please show me the rule. I have not seen a rule, and specifically stated that we DID NOT WANT A RULE, but people keep talking about a rule.

Maybe I missed it and @BillGordon has decided that he will no longer be a member of the mod team but has taken over through force of arms? Is @longhairedboy a prisoner in your basement now @BillGordon? We have to rescue him guys, come on! TO ARMS!


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Sorry, was talking more about the shit posting on sales threads, which is and has been a problem.


This guy seems to think it’s a rule

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Im just joking, trying to break the tension as some people are taking this way to seriously.

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I’m not fucking with Damon. His fuse is half lit at all times.


That guy is a dick, ignore him.


I just got rid of my fuse. Its more efficient to eliminate the buildup and just explode.


Damnit, I wanted to go on crusade, my plans are dashed :frowning:.

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continuing on this derail…

I’m not sure that telling a seller how he chooses his buyer is “free market”.

This decision of wether to take dibs or not should rest with the sellers. I understand that you feel you have “lost something” recently but a no-dibs rule will not solve anything because this:

In this case the use of “I’ll take it” and “dibs” is interchangeable, a semantic difference. In either case backing out is NOT OK and should be shamed.

You asked, and I’ve given my .02 twice already, I will say no more on the topic.

Let the free market roll :v:

Thanks for your semantic unraveling of my joke, thanks for playing.

I’m glad you have an opinion on the matter, most people do not share it. It has been the practice literally for years to show interest by saying “PM’d” or “Sending you a message”. Only recently has “dibs” or “reserve” become an issue. Seller and buyers should handle communications about an item via PM, that is the only way this works.

Your understanding is misplaced, I havent lost anything. Like I said…joke.

There are lot os other people that have lost out due to this juvenile practice.

Did I?

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I have not heard dibs since I was a kid. Is this still a kid thing? Is this all because of prepubescent site users?

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You are being charitable with your assessment, thank you.

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Free market economy is the core of the issue.
If it weren’t for cutthroat late stage capitalism forcing us to jump on top of the best deal just so we can enjoy our lives while also having money left to feed our families, we wouldn’t be in this position. Not to mention, price gouging and “its worth what people pay” and “more $ is more better” are logically flawed concepts that we somewhere decided were going to be the axioms of our society. I for one welcome the social tally system China is implementing and wish to see it replace monies as our main form of currency. A Moral currency of sorts

you started it


Oily Fuckin Josh… I don’t even know where to begin :grin:


Lol. Is that you Bernie? Which house of yours are you writing that from? Or are you another disenfranchised poor kid? Having money is fun. I love it and I love capitalism!

Hi there, derail jail.
Maybe this’ll help @ProfoundMagician sell his stuff from a bump.

Hardly Bernie, that’s old news. Bernie is conservative from a more universal perspective. He’s ultimately a capitalist, though reasonably a social capitalist. My pov is that the Deus ex machina of human society is behaving like a spoiled bratt with no clear idea of the future or any sort of moral compass.
I’d argue for a differently, structured, non capitalist system of exchange were the buyer/seller relationship is broken up by a filter of sorts. Something akin to; Currency is worth more when it is for a utilitarian beneficial cause. Less when it is for greed or growth. This slows raw capital growth (which is good) and encourages moral spending as it forces the corporate motivation to become morally beneficial rather than purely having the responsibility for moral behavior (or really any guidance) away from the consumer. As corporations grow and become the leading voices in society, we need to ensure their motivations are good otherwise it will cause our downfall. Corporations are The Deuses ex Machina and they need a moral compass Our present “system” (*lack of system) pretty much just let’s the toddler esque idiocy of our society run rampant.

TLDR bump

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