🎅 Secret Santa 2022 – Over!

welp, guess u will have to join again next year to get rid of ur unused goods :rofl: :rofl:

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If you select “send me an email with my response” checkmark at the bottom of the form you should be able to come back and edit your answers

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@rusins If I join can I be made @iNoLikeFlexyDecks 's santa? I haven’t joined yet mostly because I don’t have extra desirable parts and I don’t want anyone to be disappointed if they don’t get esk8 parts.

I have no issues buying a part for a gift if it can even be bought currently though.

Santas will be randomized lol. No match fixing :laughing:


I will be sending out very random unobtainium.

Just wondering how shipping will work

Sign me up for BALLER tier

Also can you send semi-broken gifts ? Like a DD-set which needs a bearing replaced or something like that.


Always think
Would you be happy if you received this
If you can honestly say yes then ok if not don’t
Also think that the person is random and may not have a lot of diy experience
Sending something which needs fixing is no go for many people

Person must be a regular, so I think he will know how to replace a bearing. This was just an example though.

A pretty nice gift nonetheless, a set of DDS is worth at least 200+

Also don’t worry, if I send out DD’s it won’t be your old set. So I understand why you comment this, those DD’s were totally fucked (by you).


Why you so toxic man
You gotta calm down
No-one was accusing anyone I was just saying most people would be pretty disappointed to receive a broken set of anything even if it’s worth a lot

I’m telling you to not worry.

I won’t send them out. Unless you want em, pay shipping. They’re yours.

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Bump, nearly a week left to sign up! :slight_smile:

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Oof I forgot to send the entry fee I’ll do it rn

Weren’t you deranked from regular status for a reason? :thinking:


No I was deranked from level 3 I’m pretty sure I’m still “regular”

And whatever the reason is, I don’t know it.

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Weren’t you attacking staff verbally or something

You show as “member” to me, so not regular.

Oof well I messed that up.


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I’ve been here almost every day for almost 2 years… You’d think that’s regular enough.

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It doesn’t sound like your attendance was the issue


:eyes: :joy:


He’s taking about the discourse trust level. It’s been explained higher up in this thread iirc