Secret Santa 2019 - Completed

I think you are doing the opasit if you don’t share what you received the Santa misses out on the experience of you opening the gift and what thay want to do with it.

Best part of giving is them ripping it open going wow I want to do xyz then playing with it.

Only person that gains from not sharing is the Santa that sent his old used parts that sat on the shelf for the last 3 years because he upgraded long ago

It’s fun seeing what others got how thay used or plan to use

If the Santa doesn’t want the santiee to share what he/she got them then I think it’s more likely than not the Santa is ashamed of the gift.


I actually agree with posting what they got to show everyone that they got a gift but for one the simple fact is that some people on here got gifts and gave and then you have never heard from them again. Also in an international sense where tracking can add an insane amount of money to the shipping confirmation that the person has received the gift.

Dont make me go Deckoz on your ass


I can not agree with you more on most parts however the chocolate. I will admit I did not include chocolate as it says in the T&C of the shipping that international can not ship food items. However i did ship a note with my card. Now chocolate does not necessarily go bad but the shipping company to refuse if it ended up busting open and be able to see chocolate is in it.

So to that I suggest either mandatory chocolate and if you don’t or cant ship chocolate a note or christmas card to take its place.

I would also suggest that if a person does not come through whether it be the high tier or the lower tier that the be suspended from the secret santa the following year and be tarred and feathered for the community mocking


Im sort of with Mcgee, though I think maybe he @Bindings_McGee his under the impression that the Santa would be revealed. While sharing the gift publically and giving credit to the santee , seems a bit consumerist propagandy, I think simply posting proof of receipt seems fair.

Taking credit for a gift as a Santa goes against the spirit.
A requirement for sharing the gift received less so, and also serves as a way to screen for Santa’s not passing muster. That said, what @BillGordon suggests, what with the review of gifts
, as nice as it would be, does require an awful lot of man hours…

@Briman , when have plans of public shaming on a community forum ever worked out?

also I now view @Bindings_McGee as image


As I was saying, I think alot of this is should be kept private if its for “moderation” attempts.

If its what it has been, then its alot of “holy shit looks what I got!” I posted pictures of what I got because it was a great gift. Not because i wanted to say I wish I got better.

Its all about the intentions, and there have been a few people that have not taken this as serious and are in it just for themselves. I think if it protects the ones who enjoy and take this seriously, then someone will volunteer to do it and we can gift in peace.


This year I had a small issue with my not an actual issue with the gift itself more along the lines of my santa said it was sent. And then it got lost by USPS. I spoke with @Grozniy and @BillGordon about it. I spoke with my santa and thanked him for the gift and then he told me he would be getting another gift in the mail within the week.

And all of this was done through PM. and never stated who my santa was until he asked me to post about it.

I think if the intentions are in the right place you should post your gift as one an acknowledgement to your santa even though you don’t have to say who it is just a nice thank you and it acknowledges the fact that mods can go through and mark off who received a present.


These came in the mail from Santa @KaramQ today. They will look real nice with my joker board now I just need some SR mounts


Great gift!


Happy that you’re happy with your second part of the gift


Dude those are dope @Briman


Alright I’ve been waiting to do this since October. But now that my Santee got their gift Ican finally share this.

@Rojitor I have one question:

"What. The actual. Fuck?


I hope you like the gift, cause this was so fuckin useless


HAHAHA @Rojitor best wishlist ever


Love how he sneaked in the nazare :joy:


I hope he at least got the crapped underpants.


:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Wtf lol



Should have gone to Ann summers buy candy underwear and a tub on Nutella put the pants and Nutella in a bag mixed together get a flesh light superglue a toy donky to it with a note saying dreams cum :sweat_drops: true.


Actually I have just changed my mind. Now it has to be “better” than nazare. :joy:


How about the board @Chricious is coming out with?


The Titan will take 2-3 month longer than expected, due to our decision to not only develop our own decks, batteries and enclosures but also our own trucks and perhaps wheels.

Just in time for @Rojitor to add it to this years Secret Santa wish list.