Secret Santa 2019 - Completed

Wasn’t there the option to choose „Ready to pay international shipping“ on the form we all filled out at the beginning?
Even if not, there is always the way to get something ordered from a shop in the country or close to the country where your santee lives and just send some sweets and a card or something for cheap shipping from your country.

Disclaimer: there indeed some countries where it’s hard to find good esk8 stuff… but a US Santa shouldn’t have a problem to order something in EU for his EU santee without paying a lot for shipping.


Oh to be clear. I did check that box. And was ready for like $30 shipping for a small low weight box. Unfortunately the quotes I got were all above $70 for a sub 2.2lbs package. Eventually I removed some stuff and jammed it in a smaller envelope (not even a box) and laid something like $40.

I thought I was ready, I just wasn’t actually


Same. My shipping cost was almost the high tier value all by itself. But my Santa had to ship things my way, also. Much bigger and better things, as it turned out.


So looks like we need a disclaimer next year.

international shipping might be expensive (100$+)



I am happy with staying in the EU… shipped a box off 20kg almost to the other side off the EU for only 30 euro.


I can ship a 39" deck to the US for about 40$ but it costs double when it is the other way around… Go figure :man_shrugging:


UK still leaving the EU got until end december defiantly got to be on the ball and super early next year

Now a man of culture. :heart:
Where are you located again? EU or US?

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He’s a US dude

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Well fuck, he would have had an extra SSanta if he was EU :eu:

To each his own, same for wallet & abilities, I understand when people receive bullshit or don’t receive jack and then complain but come on, when you receive nice stuff as a gift and complain it comes up as a disappointment.

Nobody should be failed when doing SSanta but also you don’t do it to receive, you do it to offer.
Else you shouldn’t do it in first place.

Anyway humans are humans. I didn’t expect anything special given my profile and shit wishlist and still got cool stuff and was super happy.

So yea next year let’s throw extra levels of entry.
Edit : I think I’m pissed a bit I think :thinking:


Did you ever send me the tracking? I’ll keep an eye out!


My feeling is the baseline tier is that, a crapshoot and that’s fine (unless nothing received or extremely questionable contents).

But the entire point of having higher tiers is that the person sending a present has an obligation to hit the agreed price-point, otherwise the point of having a higher tier is moot. And if there is no scrutiny then it is open to abuse or interpretation of expectation (:roll_eyes:) .

I’ve seen a couple of people shot down for raising their hand over what they got & ok they did so clumsily & while I agree in principle the idea that this is primarily giving, we should make a guideline for a prospective ‘stiffee’ to follow out of sight, so an objective view of the gift could be made.

I don’t think I’ve stiffed anyone in the last couple of years and have no complaints about my varied gifts, so this is for others who may feel that they just have to be quiet and errrm, grateful? And for the very odd person to feel like they can work this nice thing we do or just operate in a completely laissez-faire way.

For the community we can iron out any BS, it was cool to throw in a few quid for a contingency fund, I expect to do the same thing next year.


First and foremost, cheers to @Grozniy or doing an awesome job. He set out great guidelines that we will be following for quite some time. That said, I’m sure we can come up with some small improvements to how we handle SS going forward that will make things easier on the lead person running the show. Learn and improve, like what we plan to do with BOTY voting next year.

So, maybe in addition to mandatory chocolate and optional note/postcard, we make it mandatory that the Santee shares what they received publicly. I had more than one person PM me a bit bummed that their Santee hadn’t acknowledged the thought that went into their gift with so much as a nod.

Also, perhaps for a Santa’s first time doing SS, they are restricted to the lower tier, and people who didn’t come through the previous year be dropped to the lower tier as well. (Not my idea, but shared with me and I thought it made sense.)

Maybe we also make a five-person PM panel to discuss whether or not gifts received hit the mark. One mod and four regulars picked for activity and effort. This group can also function as additional sets of hands for the lead person to utilize.

The goal is not to make it any less fun or to overregulate it, but to make sure that it’s not a situation where someone can give 50% and receive 100%.



Santee should never have to share what they received…

That is not, nor has it ever been outside of middle class suburbia, what the gift giving part of Christmas has been about lmao. That’s just fuckin cheesy and cringey (and this is coming from me)

If the giver is so hyped about what they’re giving… They can post a pic themselves to soothe their ego?


In my current state of sleep deprivation, I’m gonna act like that’d be like getting a cheap hooker and then asking the hooker to talk about you to they friends after. I will leave this here and see if this makes the slightest bit of sense once I wake up…

Okay maybe they share if you go so far as to set a date that the majority of everybody involved conference calls in to open their esk8 presents lmao

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let it be


Imo to mitigate gift value issues, this year the gifts must be new, bought or built. There can be a small committee to evaluate the gift for each tier. Shipping/tax not included in the tier. Import tax should be payed by receiver. If you get a 100 value gift, paying 25 for is worth it.


They don’t have to share it. This is a thread for people to enjoy and celebrate the giving, not complain and bitch about why they didn’t get.

Any complaints or issues should be handled in a PM not a public blasting here. That’s the whole point of the last few posts and the improvements that have gone into this event.

Maybe you should lay off the hookers and catch up on your sleep.



Did you read what @BillGordon even said, which is what I was replying to?

we make it mandatory that the Santee shares what they received publicly

Which was a suggestion for the future - not related to now. I was disagreeing with this being mandatory in the future… understand¿ Because I share the sentiment if this being about giving the joy of esk8… not a circlejerk about it being what exactly you did give…

If I’m still missing something… Fuck me I guess?
If I’m not missing something… dunno y u mad…

In the words of @kook

fuuk youuuu or somethin like that…


sorry for that hehe

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Hey Santa. Guess the gatos out of the Bolso