*SCAM ALERT* neoBOX open source Focbox variant (HW 4 and HW6 Design)

Less continuous current and max voltage

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What? Isn’t that opposite of what he asked lol

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As in the v4 has less continuous current and voltage

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Except they both blow up past 60V and a v4 focbox outperforms a v6 mini-foc in the cont current category by a ton.

I think what he is looking for is…

1: v4: 60000 ERPM; v6: 150000 ERPM, exceeding both limits tends to nuke the DRV
2: like I said above, both are limited to 60V and tend to blow up when that is exceeded, including spikes.
3: A less efficient design means FOC is more demanding to run w/ the v4, but keeping currents low can offset this. Some v4 hardware has no problem FOCing about, even near it’s stated cont current limits.
4: see above example of mini-foc vs focbox
5: some v4 hardware was inherently flawed, others have proven as reliable as any v6 box.

Ofc, the v6 is “better” and more efficient. There are other more nuanced improvements that v6 made; so feel free to add to this, it’s early.
But that’s the gist.


Is this only on the battery side? If I have long phase leads with a VESC based ESC, do I have to add caps to the phase leads, and if so, would those be near the motors or near the ESCs?

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The 63v limit (According to TI) is battery side, long phase wires will cause your VESC to throttle as the motor position can’t be calculated. Cap bank on the phase wire side could work, but honestly never tried it.


What do you mean throttle, not provide full performance? Are you speaking from experience? Cap bank on the phase leads, but close to the ESC or motor? I thought it used hall sensors to calculate position?

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You’ll notice voltage fluxuations motorside kinda like micro stutters because of wire inductance, speaking very much from experience, Cap bank on the motor side im thinking may reduce a little bit of noise but I don’t think you could attach them as there is no positive and minus on phase, hall sensors are only used (when setup as hybrid) under ~5kmh because its incredibly inefficient at higher speeds and otherwise the VESC can calculate position using sampling from 3 shunts when you’re moving faster than walking speed, so you would see best performance below 5kmh and that just sucks.

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Vedder always told me that phase wires can be as long as you like. The inductance helps in most cases.
Having too little inductance has been what killed most hardware for him.

Now I’m confused :exploding_head:


I thought I actually killed a couple VESCs from phase wires being too long, honestly trust Benjamin’s words over mine, but I could never make it work safely.


Which version did you kill?

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Shit tier 4.12s.


It is great that you are doing this jeffwuneo, hope it all goes well. Really like the sleek look of the neoBox render.

Is the battery cable going into the side of the box instead of back opposite the phasewires?


how long were your wires lol


Damn near 4 feet, dumb project didn’t work.


what, vesc in a backpack or something lol?

VESC and batteries in trailer. One of the VESCs died while I was pulling it and I just rolled the whole setup ripping phase and battery wires, stupid idea don’t know why I did it.


If they were shit tier 4.12s, are you sure it died due to the long phase wires?




Vescted interest, what can I say? :rofl: