*SCAM ALERT* neoBOX open source Focbox variant (HW 4 and HW6 Design)

I meant that this won’t happen


We start SMT tomorrow for neoBOX. When finishing and test I send photo to showing here. We start making aluminium case also.


Good thing to speak here openly about those things :+1::man_facepalming:💆


For invoice it just say PCb sample.


I ordered dozens of “samples” from China in the past, nothing got opened by German customs. But it’s always a gamble.


Not that I think it’s applicable to anyone in this round of testing but Belgium just updated all their HTS designations for electronics, so if your from that neck of the woods there’s a higher chance yours will get challenged by customs.

I never had them not open my shipment :frowning:
Think i got a red flag next to my name from when I was importing from china :sweat_smile:


Same here Gerry. I think I have a red flag with “expensive parts” “feel free to steal”.


Same here, last time €165 import tax on something half that price.
Belgian Customs are taking the piss with us, I called them and they say that when they feel an item is not declared as they think it should be, then the Custom officer can put their own estimate on it and declare it as that.

Thievery and BS
@Gerrycorrado @pjotr47 @Dred


Should just declare that the neoboxes are a hard-drive and customs won’t ask a thing :stuck_out_tongue:


Could you go via a different EU route? Like france or netherlands for instance?

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It is the same in Germany. There are six methods that are applied successively, if the former isn’t applicable. The fallback method is to do an estimation according to part and assembly costs etc.

The difference is (I guess) that Belgium has more customs officers per capita :sweat_smile:


They literally update their policies like every six months, it’s ridiculous.


Yeah basically. They could actually steal it if they wished but also how @MarkOneBoards explains it.

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But they steal my stuff for real :sweat_smile:. Sometimes it arrives in Belgium and then it is lost. But it is more the national post that lose my package then the customs.

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I never lost any packages. Must have been luck mostly.

“Lost” aka stolen

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Why would they steal something they would have no use or function for? Maybe they are also here amongst us??

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6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Welcome to Derail Jail

Hi @jeffwuneo wondering if you have a couple v6 available. I mentioned I would be interested in picking up a couple a week or so ago was just waiting for the busy season to be over with. Let me know if you got a couple ide be interested in =)

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