*SCAM ALERT* neoBOX open source Focbox variant (HW 4 and HW6 Design)

I do believe there is a huge difference between hardware and software betas. Also by that token, there are people who buy CD versions instead of subscription versions too. People who buy CD version miss out on all the updates from subscription version and often the CD version is way more expensive

I might be wrong but I think most hardware betas operate like this if no major issues are found with the product


Yeah I’d be curious to see if Jeff would replace if the user is willing to pay for shipping although with the current shipping hell going on right now, I don’t really see an incentive to

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The man ‘makes’ high performance electric sport car conversions for high profile customers (his words). I think he should know SOMETHING about how to clean a PCB :thinking: :man_shrugging:

Id like to see how you ride a board when a solder ball shorts out your DRV, or even worse, your main power leads :slight_smile:


Completely fair :slight_smile: although I will comment that there’s much more financial incentive and need for perfection (read safety) in a $20K car vs $120 board :wink:

Yeah that would be scary but I think if you can’t pry off the solder balls or brush it off, it wouldn’t come off in a ride. Still, were I in your shoes, I wouldn’t like the thought of my life being put into any danger either, no matter the size

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think your anger isn’t justified, just maybe not to the degree that it’s coming off as or what I’m reading into. Hopefully, you and other testers might get some compensation for testing work


Cant fault you there, but after Jeff hyped them up so much, it was a crushing blow to find that NEOboxes like mine and @Arzamenable s had such crusty looking joints and clear lack of attention to detail.

Like I said ive cleaned them about as well as I possibly can, as well as covered them in conf coating, so no components or remaining solder balls should be able to move.

I dont think testers will be given any treatment… doesnt seem likely

¯\(シ)/¯ I get miffed easy what can I say


Physical >>> digital on games. For the Resell value alone. (for consoles at least.)

I disagree in our time there is always a digital version of the physical copy i bought where i get the same updates. WoW Digital = WoW physical.

Again, games were just to explain where i’m going with that.

What we also have to keep in mind is the resell value of our tester neoboxes.

Would buy my brand new and unsused neobox or for a few bucks a brand new one with all the upgrades?

i agree, IF it was clearly stated.

And i see these things as a definite problem:

(edited it slightly so some things make more sense)


Lol I bent pwm pins on my normal TB vescs bc the connector stood up to tall when plugged in


Y’all are wilding out in here, for what it’s worth the only thing I expected to maybe get was an updated case, I read this as buying and engineering sample with no expectations of an upgrade with extended coverage if my unit failed. This is why you generally can’t buy pre production hardware at the consumer level, because most folks expect quite a bit more for what is essentially meant to be reference Hardware.


I’m happy at least one person shares my opinion lol


Im completely happy with my beta versions. They work better than any Vesc or derivative I’ve owned.


i guess we all forgot how this whole project started and evolved…

I’m k00l with a $80 focbox replacement…


I work in hardware logistics, everyone yelling in here about shipping is giving me PTSD and I’m going to have to start shooting heroine into my eyes at this point to make the emails stop.

The world’s fucked atm going to need to chill and wait for the slow boat untill we can reboot.


Just want to confirm? @Sn4Pz. And @Arzamenable both had v6’s? Has anyone had solder balls in any v4’s?

Am I disappointed I wont get a trade in? A little…

Will it keep me from buying from jeff again? Absolutely not!!!

The only problem is the language barrier that can occur at times and the fact that he is only one man engaging in several products.

He has been transparent and communication has been great


But this is one of a few moments a language barrier shouldn’t be happening. Especially not if its about Money.

@kook sure you will. But would you still if you didn’t get all the listed things for the same price?

Jeff @jeffwuneo has better communication skills than 99% of other overseas vendors


97 posts were split to a new topic: Vendor ID Discussion

Try talking to flipsky lol I agree with you

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or eLofty, or… or… or even try talking with faaking mike beard at faaking mBoreds…


for the g00gle spyers…faak U!


Hehehehe :eyes:

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For the neoBOX conformal coating is only done for production unit. The changes we made are small and if anyone have problem with their neoBOX when testing then we replace them at no cost. This is why we do testing.

Sorry @Sn4Pz but I think your review is not fair. And you write it after people say I am someone else.

Your neoBOX is working no problem like everyone else and we already now paying close attention to more QC and have swapped cable supplier for phase wires.

The case need to change because our worker glue capacitor before they put into case so they not straight and needed taller case.


Please deal with customers accordingly and without personal feelings if you can manage. It’ll only help you out in the end. Trust is key here.

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