Dude, it’s in the first post lol
Long term I would definitely recommend, just in general to extend the lift of the FETs, and yeah if you don’t want to be precious about it he could just get some thermal pads and bar stock in there, but depending on how many angry pixies he plans to jam through there might not need immediately. There’s now a good selection of NVME drive spreaders that would probably do just fine for this if you wanted to make it pretty though.
How does this not work for that? Its slightly bigger but very similar.
Cause the other one i’m asking for is more compact and doesn’t have holes that I don’t need (anti spark switch on heatsink plate).
Good point.
I wonder if you could combine the Dual Focbox heatsink with a 3D printed other half to get what you are looking for.
Just an option if @3DServisas doesn’t bring that product back.
That’s exactly what I was thinking .
I was going to have my friend mock something up with his 3D printer and then maybe have a local machine shop make lower half out of aluminum using whatever model we end up with (it’s likely not going to be as nice as 3Dservisas’ stuff).
When do think I’d be looking receive my neobox4 ? I paid the normal postage on your site but am I able to pay alittle more for express or aren’t they made yet ? Please feel free to DM me
Not sure if you only recently ordered - I asked about phase two shipping which I understand is the general release of the NeoBox not the Testing Release as this one is.
So I would say likely you’ll be waiting a bit.
Yeah production batch shipping by end of month. This is a product that is still in “testing” technically.
I’m over here waiting patiently
I mean the best we can do is patiently wait, but like I though I’d have my hubs and ESC by now…I just wanna test the integrated deck
I want my new Neos to run 4WD
You gonna go 4 v6/v4s or gonna go two duals??
v4s on a simple 4wd direct-drive set-up…
for science
I like it. I’m thinking about that but since you’ll do it for science I’ll go duals. Same thing 120kV AWD DD setup.
Also waiting on some v6s to run them on a 13s pack…
We are producing the production neoBOX and plan to sending at the end of the month. We have implement higher QC for production run so it need a little more time to double checking all and make sure all procedure is follow correctly.
Any idea what the shipping is like to Australia? Any chance of express post ?
Yeah ordered a couple days ago so I figured about 4 weeks