Want to sell 2x new 40th iso 06b wheel sprockets.
Fit Trampa Hypa and Flame Cryptic hubs.
You need additional M4 stand offs to get the right distance from the hub for your needs.
Stand offs can be purchased in every good hardware store.
If needed I can supply chain and chain links too.
Want to sale new sensor wire extension cables.
1.5mm JST ZH male to 2mm JST PH female.
Available in two sizes, 20cm and 60cm.
Can be ordered with additional protection sleeves too.
20cm 1.75$
20cm with sleeve 2.50$
60cm 2.00$
60cm with sleeve 3.00$
Sleeve color will be black in future.
Other colors available up on request.
Location: Saint Petersburg
Shipping: not included, worldwide, 6.50$ tracked
Up to 2 cables without sleeve can be sent as letter untracked 2.50$ but might take a while
20cm 50x available
60cm sold ou - of there is enough interest I can order some more
2 batteries for sale. Was using both for 3-5 months each and upgraded both builds I had them on for bigger batteries. Both are used obviously, but no issues with either and both work fine. If someone wants both of them I will do a package deal with a discount. LMK any questions anyone has.
12s3p Samsung 30q battery (from Miami electric)
charge only BMS
XT60 connector
XT30 connector for charge port (have charge port if desired to that can work with this set up)
$250 obo
Located in Orange County - SoCal
Will Ship - buyers expense though
10s3p Samsung 30q battery - made by reliable form member
XT60 connector
connector (can’t remember what it’s called, the small red one) for charge port (have charge port if desired to that can work with this set up)
$200 obo
Located in Orange County - SoCal
Will Ship - buyers expense though