Rideneo - Vendor ID Discussion

I dont get it. Yes he did lie about he did know somone. Very bad. But he have not scammed anyone and have shipped orders even if they are late, but just like almost all vendors. Lets just wait and he can show what kind of vendor he is instead of this witchhunt and speculations.
However i dont think its something wrong with doing a paypal dispute (not charge back) if a item is delayed for long time. But ppl doing chargeback when items is shipped and take time because corona is stupid.


This is not what happened.

People are charging back because the person that is holding their money broke their trust by lying repeatedly.

That matters to some people.


No, for the record I’ve always thought your relationship with Jed stunk like shit. You defending them even last year was cringey as shit.

I’m only just publicly bringing it up because you’ve once again Koolaid Man’d your way into a discussion after being absent for months, and it presents a relevant conflict of interest. Am I wrong to think that?


If you tell me you are not doing business with Jeff then I will respect your opinion.


And once again the forum is lit up because some people could not keep a lid on things until more facts were present.

I walked through the hole you guys already knocked through the wall instead of using the door. Sorry.


Who are you referring to here?


I seem to recall an ill timed comment from you about 5 minutes prior to @mmaner dropping the hammer.

You can call me if you want to discuss further, but let’s not pretend that you didn’t show up making excuses for Jed & Jeff, and you have potential monetary/business dealings with both. That’s a textbook conflict of interest that needs to be spotlighted as you are a site authority.

Sorry love.

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Andrew told me who he spilled the beans to for reasons I totally understand. That person then spread it around because well shit this is important.

I get it. I totally get how it happened. But I still think it was premature.


You don’t have to recall it it’s right there where everyone can scroll to it. I said this was stupid, I still think the idea that they are the same person is stupid, and now you’re making me age my milk again.


For purposes of transparency:

I 100% whistleblew this without @BillGordon or @mmaner consent/input. I fully take responsibility for that and did so on my own accord. This isn’t me grenade jumping for those two, I literally did it while Bill was asleep and Mike was being productive being a housewife.

I did not go looking for this issue, I stumbled into it via due diligence because I was being asked regularly to partner up in a situation that didn’t pass my sniff test.



That’s not actually what happened.

None of the forum would be lit if it wasnt for Jeff posting about it publicly, by that point the cat was out the bag. That’s what happened.


And you were right to do so the way that you explained to me that you did it.


Its weird you’re stuck on this. This was never my definite theory, just that they were involved in some way.

It is semantics at this point. Something smelled off, and it was.

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Thanks for the clarification. What I really don’t want to see here is the same guys who were proven right about their suspicions dragged through the wringer again.


I think it is good to have someone that nobody is scared to talk to. It can bring information -and who knows one day it might be the reason someone innocent is not mobbed wrongly.

Maybe everyone should take a break before saying things they might regret to people they’ve known for long and have not given them reason to doubt their integrity (am I wrong?).


Maybe me coming in and proving they weren’t the same person was only about them not being the same person and not about any of the other aspects of this situation like Jeff lying and hanging out with Jeremy and JED never delivering? Maybe I’m stuck on it because that’s the stupid part I was referring to the entire time.

I know it’s hard to compartmentalize things sometimes but that was my only issue with any of this. I think doing the due diligence that put them in the same room and proved they knew each other was warranted.


Yup, I get it. That helps, because I don’t want the community to ever think we’re whitewashing or sweeping things under the rug.


I don’t either. And thank you again and everyone else who helped uncover that mountain of data.

And thank you @jamie for the idea to get them both in a chat with a well respected mod.

And thank you @DerelictRobot for being so determined and principled. I don’t mean that sarcastically, I seriously respect you bro and I appreciate you.


First of all, I never attacked you for trying to get to the bottom of this. I said before that I would eat my words if I had to, although it wasn’t what I hoped for. I don’t even have any money in this! We all wanted this to be good, and I was simply trying to see the positive side. Saying it’s selfish for wanting to have gear at a reasonable price is ridiculous. We all want that.

Unfortunately, I have to eat my words! I know how vendors work and how we need to make sure they are regulated, and I’m prepared to help in doing so. All I was trying to do was look at each fact as it came, and try to make sense of it. I don’t really think that I should be blamed for that. I appreciate all the hard work that you guys did. And I still stand by what I said this whole time, they aren’t the same person. That’s the only thing I have confidently said.

I never insulted you Mike. If somehow what I said seemed directed at you or another mod, then it would have been a misunderstanding. Thanks for what you do.


So if we look past who Jeff knows and who he talks to, if I wanted to look at this very objectively, how many orders has he fulfilled and how many is pending past 180 days? I understand that some people are still waiting for their decks.

For the sake of arguement about coronavirus, let’s assume that all orders where DHL has tracking # would’ve shipped/arrived. (I know about printing blank shipping labels, just play assume) How many does that leave?

Anonymous poll:

  • Ordered / Received
  • Ordered / Not received within 180 days
  • Ordered / Not received past 180 days

0 voters