Ride reports category

So my forum history before e-skate was mostly motorcycling and a little overland stuff. One of my favorite places on the forums I’ve been a part of has always been the “ride reports” category. When the drama gets heavy or I just get a little bored researching this or that I can always fall back on living vicariously through the adventures of others.
I’ve been wanting to suggest a ride reports sub category for awhile and as .news seems more appropriate than .builders I thought this was the perfect time.
Watching someone chronicle their adventure, even if it’s a short one, can be great medicine when your snowed in or rained out or even laid up for a while. Plus, there’s so many folks in different parts of the world and I’d personally love to see a “day in the ride” from Taiwan or Australia or France or even Alabama, California and Florida.
I’m thinking each new thread would have a handful of pictures, maybe a video, a description why it’s one of your favorite rides, a place along the way to grab a Whiskey (great thread btw @mmaner). Basically, what the rest of us are missing and the one place we should ride if we find ourselves in your town with a board.
I’ve watched and silently applauded all your builds now I’d love to see where you take them.
Anyway, just an idea, thanks for the countless hours.


Hell yeah man. I tried to get this going in that other place because I think it’s a wonderful thing to share our special skate spot but it failed. Much better crowd here.

Where do you ride?

Yellow = golf course cart paths that I ride at night
Green = off-road woods path
Blue = retirement community with some solid views. The old folk love my board.
Red = Neighborhood bar/restaurant and pools. I love being able to skate and pick up a pizza ninja turtle style or grab a beer or 7.
White route is beer/pizza run
Orange route is my hybrid route. A blend of a scenic route around lake, through county park, through golf courses, a bit of woods, and some solid new asphalt. Also conveniently passes bar. Show me your favorite routes and come join me if you’re in town!


Yes exactly! The title of the thread being something simple like miles,town and country.
Mostly I ride a mountain board in South Dakota.
There’s a massive trail called the Michelson near me and I ride sections where there’s few to 0 people. There’s a section that’s nearly 12 miles downhill (gradual) that I used to ride unpowered.
I’ll have to grab some pictures and map it out a bit better like you did.

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West side of my town has some pretty nice places to ride. Not as many trails and parks as east side but still fun.

  • Red line follows the path in the video, a short cut of my usual route

  • Yellow line represents my usual route up into the large park and beyond (not pictured)

  • Yellow zone is all suburbs with smooth open roads nice for short sprints

  • Purple is the college campus, a good technical urban environment with a good mix of open parking lots and small side streets and paths. Fun at night but I’d probably get kicked out during daytime hours. Fun circuit there too.

  • Green is downtown, lots of stoplights to show off acceleration and the roads are nice there too. lots of traffic though


Nice. The scooter kids at 20:50 are home asking their parents for boards now I’m sure :smile:

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This is cool. I’ll try to get my discount Gopro going and film my usual route.


My full orange route. Rode around the natural playground towards the end with a steep hill climb.

We don’t have any specific routes we just ride all over South Beach, Brickell and downtown Miami.


Lucky you have a “we”. I have never seen another human in real life on an esk8 :frowning:


Was like that for me In the begging then I posted a video on YouTube and had someone reach out to me. He’s been my best esk8 buddy since then and we have expanded alot together now we have a nice group and it’s been great fun riding with your esk8 family.


I’ve only esk8ed with a friend once in my time. Boy was it a blast sucks he doesn’t ride anymore though.

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I never really thought about it, but I’ve never ridden with anyone else, either.


Where are you based out of? I’m gonna go ahead and assume not Ohio Indiana or Kentucky…

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Why oof?

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Oh sorry, nothing against Singapore. Just sad that you’re not closer so we could ride sometime!

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Oh, got it. Yeah, would be awesome to meet for a ride…maybe one day!

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No one wants to ride at 5-6am or 11:30pm-1am on the weekends, and everyone works Monday-Thursday…

That solo ride life

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Bump :smile:
Might just be some new folks around with a ride to share.