Clearly you don’t know the motor specs. You held this gem until the end. I’m out, this is no review, it’s an opinion poll.
We knew that from the beginning. Hell, it’s probably closer to an advertisement than to an opinion column
Specs E-Toxx
On this link Jens said something about the specs.
With 16s and 1:20 ratio this thing should be a torque monster. Nobody really cares about power its all about torque. (power may be a indicator for torque)
My concern would be rather if this is driveable anymore? Either the wheels loose traction or the front will lift? @NoWind
I think to change „review“ to „first impressions“ would fit this thread better.
It probably also doesn’t make sense to compare an Etoxx with a lasagne or the titan.
Titan vs la croix only would make more sense, but than also only if the person who does the review check the settings in the esc.
Stock settings are not always maxed out values, so definitely something to take into account as well.
If it’s not my board I would also think about not ideal setup/maintenance from the owner.
In particular I want to point out the issue with the noice from the hyper trucks. There shouldn’t be a noice from the bushings if the trucks are setup in the correct way.
It was 12S on LiPos
That doesn’t need to be something bad
The owner told me he contacted Alex and he told him it’s normal.
I can’t prove this though.
And yes, first impressions would be accurate.
It comes like that out of the box I think
Probably, but doesn’t mean the owner can’t make anything against it.
As a ready to ride board though, shouldn’t it be judged as it is comes from the factory.
If you start changing settings and tinkering with it who says you don’t start compromise its durability etc.
My point is that it’s not correct/fair to compare a diy/prototype board to a prebuilt when you can max out the settings on your diy board, but don’t use full capability of the prebuilt.
Even with same escs, motors and battery the diy would win.
It might win on performance but would lose in range, durability etc.
In any case a proper comparison review needs to include metrics apart from the reviewers opinion and this one does not.
In all fairness the OP did state the fact that this “review” is biased and subjective.
Thanks taz, we really need to test more and gain more experience with the prototypes. So far metrics/hard facts just say, that we have bigger motors and arguably more powerful ESCs but however they are set to 50% more power than the Lacroix. Also the Nazare has a smaller battery with less range then our proto. The Lonestar has a bigger one though. But we will also have a bigger one…
Fact is the VX1 remote is crap compared to the MT or the VX2 Pro which one of those we will probably use for the series. and the lack of Metr Pro is a downside. There is nothing subjective on these claims. Riding wise there are a lot of people which prefer the Matrix trucks over the Hypertrucks. That’s not just me, which is also a fact. But ok this is a matter of preference. You cant say either one is better than the other. And why would you think the Titan will loose in durability?
I know I’ve chosen a catchy title for the thread and it’s not a fair comparison or your typical unbiased review. But also I never claimed it though. So let’s clam down and I am sure in the next weeks and month you will see some more objective review of our boards.
Cheers everybody
Duuuude, you are not making it easy.
I would take you own advice, calm down and let your product do the talking.
I will. Just want to clarify that, there are some facts in this thread which are not subjective.
For once i agree with you, its been made very clear, and proven time and time again in this thread, that someone is a itsy bitsy widdle bit insecure about their titan witan
Size isnt everything buddy, ask resident big boi @DerelictRobot
Anyways, thanks for taking the time to write out your first impressions!
I feel like this is going to be greatly skewed if you really start asking people here.
So an aftermarket device that anyone can purchase and put on their board…thats one of your con’s for this board?
So far I see nothing that sets your “titan” apart from anything. Its a crap comparison and its based on marketing stats. BIGGER MOTORS!!! Doesn’t mean its going to last.
If you truly rode someones board who has spent the same amount of time tuning it and getting it set up as you have done on your board, you’d see the difference. Riding something out of the box for 10 minutes is no way to determine an opinion.
He wants to win, let him.
Also, i took the name Titan first
i can’t read, i’m illegitimate.
but seriously almost all of my experience with channel trucks are on the giant 10" wheel land surfers from China we still have parts laying around for. I rode a Kaly once, had zero issues whipping it around like mad through a ditch and tall grass. I also rode a Trampa, it was fun and had no probs there. Had a Lacroix on a dirt track in Colorado and it was a pleasure.
But those monsters in our garage? you grab a rail and throw dirt or you don’t turn within a reasonable radius.
Pull a JayJay and send a C&D on over.