Ohhh yesss sir the whole deal, so many sprinkles
Dude it’s awesome!!
Ohhh yesss sir the whole deal, so many sprinkles
Dude it’s awesome!!
how high?
in Cheech N Chong Units please…
Dave’s not here man
Working on a modular battery pcb system so you can snap apart your battery like Legos and take it on a plane!
So basically what you are saying is that you have glass that is harder than sand? Interesting.
Glass is usually around 5.5 in mohs scale, sand can vary between 6 to 7 in mohs scale… Harder materials eat softer materials…
To be fair, with enough heat, all resins do soften, go under it with a knife and it goes off…
Used a very strong heater to perform this “maneuver”.
Oh calm down. For one thing there wasn’t enough on there. But I don’t want to argue.
Why… Does it matter? Isn’t the purpose for grip? Why are you using your board as sandpaper? Aluminum is 2.5 on the mohs scale but if you put a bunch of aluminum spikes on the board you’re gonna have hella grip… Alternatively you could put 300 grit sandpaper which is still hard as hell but it’s not gonna do jack… So confused…
I presume you never tried riding on sandy trails with glass frit? It gets eaten by the sand stuck on the shoes. Fine frit, it’s tiny. Medium woulda been much better, I am not arguing about that. Hardness plays a lot though.
I live by the beach. But I don’t think you’re suppose to use the tiny bits of frit tho
That’s the thing, it was just an experience, not an argument, yet somehow it evolved into one.
Because coronavirus.
People having nothing better to do probably.
Definitely agree for that use case Uber frit would be best, a combination of fine and medium frits. But looking at your board, the frit was far too sparse in the first place so there is that.
Just an observation.
It was fine enough, it lasted for a long time and would have lasted for a whole lot more. Then I introduced my board to forest trails, 4 rides and it was gone…
Not trying to stir up anything. It’s DIY after all, we learn every single time.
Try using rougher glas first. That fine isnt for me,too.
For me it really depends on the board, what it is going to be used for, and the design really.