Is this a 12s15p of 40T’s?!?! And 4wd with 80100’s? Are you trying to go back to 1955?!
Hes just trying to go 88mph
No way dude! Its onewheel Dude!
Ah onewheeldude! He rocks…!
Good suggestion, but need more practise for that dont wanna slam my motors into those rocks
Yes! That’s my latest build. The Killdozer
Yes xD
Hope there will be no problems with torque steer. The problem is that you can’t mount them like you mentioned because the trampa trucks aren’t symmetric on both sides. So… On the other side the motor wouldn’t fit. I will try this diagonal setup and let you know. This was just a first hardware fit test. I will do a detailed thread when i am start to bild the battery and the rest of all electronic components.
Stay safe
Holy hell. Thats a very apt name
let me guess. You have those e-toxx adjustable baseplates coming in too.
And… Kaly HellCat 200x75s.
I’m gonna make a build thread and actually do it live for once instead of big dump when I’m done like I’ve been doing.
God. that’s gonna look absolutely stunning with these hangers. look forward to it
I’ve got the 200x75’s coming as well Not going to be run on hellcats though
I read they were going to add suspension on a new model, I honestly didn’t imagine it looking so cool.
I was surprised Brent. Apparently Kingsong S18 is capable of 30mph (which is not that impressive) and a range of 69 miles; motor power 2200W; battery size 1100kh; climbing gradient 40°degrees.
I went up and down a 45° incline at a bike park and it was insane. Definitely needed a running start.
That’s impressive and a lot to lean on one of those lol
why not just get a regular electric drill?
where’s this bike park–I wanna go!