Reply to "Pictures and nothing else" thread

Can’t wait to see that 13s going up twin peaks. Clean build


Oh man that hits home hard…one on the street and 5 on the bench, although one is not my fault


@skyart are you charging the packs separately or via one parallel connection.

Not sure if a charger would recognize one board as fully charged and not charge the other or worse: overcharge one pack.

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When the packs connect in parallel it essentially becomes one large pack. Charger cannot tell between them. Voltage will equalize between both packs and they will function as one. One pack cannot take on more voltage until the other matches. Even if both packs have different capacities (not different voltage). a 10s4p will work perfectly in parallel with a 10s2p given everything is functioning properly.

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So if you put a half discharged 10s2p in parallel with a 3/4 full 10s6p, you expect the 2p pack to charge by itself for a bit, then both will start charging at an equally split amperage?

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That’s a bad idea, the parallel connection will want to equalize as fast as possible, which means the 10s6p will be dumping massive current into the 10s2p until they’re both at the same voltage, at which point they will charge together.

Imagine the batteries like cups of water, parallel them together and it is like connecting the bottoms together with a straw. if one cup has higher level of water (more charge), it will go into the lower cup until they’re both level. If one cup is wider (more capacity), the wider cup will take on more water respectively as it is filled up, but both cups will still be level. If one cup is taller (more voltage/series), then the lower cup will spill first before the taller is full (bad).


@BluPenguin such a great comparison! Love that! Yead that is exactly what happens. Must make sure the batteries are very close to the same if not exactly the same voltage before making that parralel connection.

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Yikes. TB battery?

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You get a :cookie: yup pack finally had enough of my shit and tried to kill me again, so degloved it to have a look around.


Recognized the stupid amounts of hot glue, rigid as fuck yellow shit and doodoo tier construction instantly😑

Hopefully you can fix the mistakes or get something better :man_shrugging:t2:


Ideal end state is I just need to replace the BMS, but we’ll see.


Is your TB packs bms also going all wack when charging? Goes to 50.8v on the monitor when plugged in but then drops to 49.5ish when unplugged.

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I know their old packs weren’t that great, but I can’t see any huge red flags here, it looks safe to me?

The welds look fine, decently insulated? The bms is in a weird spot I guess


Safe minus the randomly turning off while I’m and cruising at 27-30mph through the middle of nowhere.


Well yeah that sounds like loose wires haha I mostly meant the battery itself looks pretty safe, nothing Alex tech-esc or anything like that

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Yeah I have one of these 12s4p. Only lasted about 5 months, seem kind of like a short life span , recently took it apart to try and figure out why it only charges to 96% and turn off at 36 volts…


@BillGordon do me a favour and bump @ArsenalMain lv up so we can continue our conversation.


Bumped. Welcome, Griffin!

Edit: Will bump original account and delete the new one. One minute.


Thank you!


@Dred replace the bms. The bms is most likely bad.

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