šŸ–¼ Reply to ā€œPictures and nothing elseā€ thread_2020_summer

WTF haha how??? It looks like the bell cracked and then the centripetal force ripped it apart


I wondered why no one has commented on that yet. I was tempted to post it here when he uploaded them.

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Nice find Rosco.

In my misspent youth, I used to have ninja stars that resembled that.


yeah hahahaha, that really looks like a shuriken.

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This looks like a bug from the matrix! gross


Dammit this was the exact reference my drunk brain couldnā€™t make. Cheers to you.


More like I removed a tiny board tumor.

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Bro I knew there was something it reminded me of. Thatā€™s it for sure


How do you use them? You have to cut the nose all the way to the holes?


I need to round the inner edge. I could have had it modelled, but Iā€™m impatient and like doing things myself :joy:

I will make a urethane riser between the deck and the bracket which will act as a dampener and a cable route.


Bro just buy another 44 demonseed you know you want to.

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Already got 2. And theyā€™re not easy to come by. You can rest assured that if I find another one Iā€™ll probably buy it :joy:


Not if I find it first. I need another build this year like a second pen15 hole.

Current builds
1 Tubby 40% completed
2. Luminar 10% no deck yet
3. Puppy started today 30% Pink and girly itā€™s for my 6 year old (well thatā€™s my story).

You have likely more on the go.


I think you added an extra 0 after 100 by mistake



Cool idea! What use do you intend this for? I can see it being good for a charge port (xt90, barrel jack, whatever youā€™d use) but loop key? Are you also limiting current in the VESC settings? Wouldnā€™t want it to blow because you pulled a tad too much current while riding I would think.

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@janpom how are you going to test it out safely?

I actually do use the same kind of fuse for the charge port:

Why not? Fused loop key makes a lot of sense to me. If it blows, itā€™s easy to replace. When testing, I can carry another loop key in my pocket and not have to push home in case the test doesnā€™t work out as expected.

I have 50A current limit on each motor. Iā€™m going to add 30A battery limit per VESC as well so that I donā€™t exceed 60A battery limit total, though I donā€™t really ever do.

60A for a few secs should be perfectly safe. Thereā€™s padding. Even at 2x rated current the fuse should take a few seconds to blow (according to the data sheet).

Iā€™m thinking of putting on all my protective gear and doing some uphill runs with hard acceleration. Maybe carry the board downhill until I have enough confidence the fuses donā€™t blow under hard braking current.