🖼 Reply to “Pictures and nothing else” thread_2020_summer

This has got to be the scariest and most awesome thing I’ve ever seen

Lucky, what was the item?
I have to wait until October 11th before they even start looking at mine…


Mine was a laminar flow hood for my business. Thing arrived trashed after a month of shipping. I played ball for four months got sick of it and filed a chargeback w my bank. A month later Ali folded. Thank god


I hope they fold my way next month too. That shit was a fire waiting to happen. Had to pay another company to build a brand new one

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Good luck brother. I will never use them for anything ever again.

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Thx. What pisses me off the most is his last phrase

“We sold a lot of them!”

So I should be happy that I’m not the only one who received a piece of crap?

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My people told me they are cheap and offered $5 refund on an $1100 purchase. I flipped my shit for months at war with them.


Here’s what was originally inside my big orange box

And the charger that came with it had a capacitor broken off


That’s a bomb! Scary


He waited until there was 30minutes left on the automated timer to respond

Here’s to hoping Ali sees it as a bomb in a month


Chinese CDM 2019 motor, with what i’d guess is a Bustin-Dualomo outer sleeve

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Is that the new trampa hubs ? They look like they don’t take much space on the axle right ? Would they fit on a non extended truck ?


They are not. They are just their normal superstar :eyes: also this is a standard axle not extended At all​:penguin:

Just used a spacer to widen the hub was all :call_me_hand::call_me_hand:


Nice :call_me_hand: what motors are those?

Sorry to disappoint @Nacho but they’re only standard Meepo hubs with a DD conversion. Looking to upgrade to something more powerful towards the end of the year.


What’s that blue colors(brand)name so pretty

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When can we buy one :call_me_hand:


First time I’ve used this stuff.

Luminos LUM1102 – Outdoor Wood Stain Finish Protector Color Majorelle Blue - Quart https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0776ZTGT2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_nfKxFb84918R1

It’s described as a stain and sealer. Application is somewhere between paint and stain. Foam brush it on and keep leveling it as it dries. Light coats. But a wipe off with a rag right after application like stain won’t work. And it dries in 10-15 mins. So do just glop it on or you’ll get heavy spots.

So far, the clear coat layer above seems to be binding fine.

No filters on that picture. It’s a touch lighter in person but the color does really pop!


Dude thanks for the link that color is awesome :call_me_hand:
For science


They’ve got a ton of colors too. You can layer them etc.

It’s a pretty cool look. Something with more grain than maple would be nice to see how it looks over.

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